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Full-Stack Vs Specialized Developer: Which Should You Hire?
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Full-Stack Vs Specialized Developer: Which Should You Hire?
Would you hire a full-stack developer or specialized developer? Who’ll benefit for your business? Let us discuss their skills, pros, and cons.

Is the Full Stack Developer as efficient as the Specialized Developer?

The answer to this burning question is a divided one, so a quick jump on a conclusion would not be useful. As you know, the IT industry is rapidly evolving, the companies are constantly working towards bringing out the best techniques and practices to match the pace with the growing needs. Hiring a developer for the project is extremely crucial for the company. A full-Stack developer is an all-rounder and Specialized Developer, being the master of his trade, both prove to be extremely useful in different scenarios, however, their efficiency is generally questioned.

Do you also think a Full-Stack Developer can be a replacement to multiple Specialized developers, without compromising with the efficiency? According to a survey done by StackOverflow, the majority of software developers are Full-Stack Developers i.e. 51.9%, clearly indicating its popularity in the industry.

However, following a trend blindly, can prove to be a matter of risk for a business. Hence, it is important to evaluate the resources on your criteria before implementing it.

Full-stack or the Specialized Developer, both are productive and unique in their own way – you need to choose your developer as per the need of the situation. However, before heading to the criteria to make a choice between both of them, you can go through a brief introduction of Full Stack and Specialized Developer.

Full-Stack Developer

A Full-Stack Developer is skilled in numerous technologies and is capable of working in various fields extending from front-end to back-end development. Along with handling the project, a full stack developer can also interact with the client and convey the entire idea of the project more clearly and effectively. Looking up the versatility of the Full Stack Developer, the demand for the Full Stack Developers is increasing at a great pace, in fact, it is expected to grow up to 5 times more till 2024, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

When should you hire a Full-Stack Developer?

Though Full Stack Developers work incredibly, taking charge of the entire project from its scratch to its release and maintenance, however, they do have certain restrictions, which might have a negative impact on the project and the company. Let’s check out factors that work in favour of the Full Stack Developer, making them an ideal fit for that criteria.

  • Small Sized Projects
  • Small Scale Business
  • Projects that require less investment.
  • Projects that are less complex

Specialized Developer

Specialized Developers are experts in their field, having years of experience, and in-depth knowledge about their respective disciplines such as Development, Designing, or Database Management. Specialized Developer is responsible only for the trade that he specializes in instead of multiple trades like the Full-stack Developer.

When should you hire a Specialized Developer?

Generally, during the Software development process, the tasks are distributed among teams and sub-teams. The developers are allocated with a very specific task in which he/she is specialized in, called as Specialized Developers. The Specialized Developers are more like a Master of the field they are working in, acquainted with all basic and propelled subtleties of that specific field and connoisseurs in dealing with the complexities of the projects. Let’s check out the factors that a Specialized Developer can contribute to a company.

  • Large Projects
  • Projects with higher investment
  • Innovative Projects
  • Complex projects

Full-stack Developer Vs Specialized Developer; Which one should you hire?

Read more in details at Full-Stack Developer Vs Specialized Developer: Who is the Best for Your Business?

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