Merritt Family Chiropractic Center
When you come to the chiropractic office or Drs. Norlin and Maria Merritt in San Rafael, you get so much more than just a chiropractic adjustment. You will be supported and nurtured during times of healing, taught how to maintain health, educated on making healthy choices, and you may even end up feeling like part of their family! Norlin and Maria take the time to get to know you as an individual and to work with you on a health plan that is right for you. They are committed to serving and supporting you through health and wellness.
With over 29 years of chiropractic experience, the Merritts are experts in helping you find your path to healing. They have studied, used, and mastered many techniques in chiropractic care. These include spinal adjustments, biocranial structural realignment, instrument and traditional hands-on adjustive techniques. They also use Activator and other Low Force Techniques, Pettibon, and other Biomechanical Corrective Techniques.
Drs. Norlin and Maria work with Individuals and families, from babies to the elderly; athletes, acute injuries, chronic and/or cumulative, (not limited to): back and neck pain, earaches, headaches and/or migraines.
They address a variety of health challenges and offer a preventative health care system custom made for you.
They can help with an extensive spectrum of health challenges. If they cannot, they will tell you. They have 29 years experience, have certainty in what they do and are committed to service and quality care.
The office atmosphere is warm, friendly and professional.
Call to set up a free consultation and learn more about how you can start feeling better today!
New patients are welcome!
"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the care of the human frame, the diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease." - Thomas Edison