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BABOLAT AEROPRO DRIVE GT UNSTRUNG TENNIS RACQUET Are you looking for some extraordinary best tennis racquets to play tennis, which are comfortable and also very powerful? Then, you must always opt for some.

This is a Bobolat Tennis Racquet with a technically advanced frame of AeroPro drive. This is a tennis racquet which is proud to be the choice of Rafael Nadal, but be sure of what you are buying. Because of its high popularity, there are many sellers who sell fake racquets. Before buying this tennis racket, be sure about its seller. Due to its advanced design, it has the capability for greater topspin than other racquets. It gives you exceptional control over the ball and allows you to hit from different angles. These features in return give the player an advantage to revolutionize the dynamics of the game. It also allows the player to add more topspin in a ground stroke. You can see through your performance how this racquet will gradually change your capability to strike.

The latest Cortex Active technology is used to link the handle with the frame together to improve the rate of giving feedback. It actually reduces the unwanted vibration, so that the player can control the swing properly. The design of the handle is also unique compared to all the other models. Its designed is a special way to direct the vibrations in the areas where the grip of the player can control it. It also uses the aero modular technology, which is common to find in any of its predecessors, to construct the drive. This advancement along with the varying beams helps the racquet to use aerodynamics and proper swing to increase the speed of the spin.

Babolat Aeropro Drive GT Tennis Racquet

Babolat Aeropro Drive GT Unstrung Tennis Racquet

Features Offered By This Racquet:

  • Rigid and custom made best tennis racket for all kind of power baseliner shots or grinders shot.
  • Provides stability.
  • Unique architecture.
  • Balance -3 pts HL, weight-11.3 oz, length-27 in.
  • Ideal for long swing.
  • Materials used- tungsten and graphite.
  • Head size- 100 sq. Inches.
  • Handle with synthetic grip.
  • Uses woofer system and GT technology.

It’s best known among many famous players because it provides great exchanges in the heavy backcourt, powerful spin and stability on every serve. It will give you the same power for feedback even if the ball hits the tip of the racquet frame. With the open pattern of the strings in the racquet, many players who have western grips get a lot of success in passing their spins.

The stiffness of this one of these tennis racquet is appropriately reduced, to make the swing more effective. Paintwork which is done for this one of these tennis racket is also very impressive. To improve the balance and use aerodynamics in a better way, it has gone from 4 head size to 7. It’s easy to grip and latest technology is friendlier to the player’s arm. It is like a delight for the players.


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Looking for the best tennis racket ever? This buying guide will compare the top features of the tennis racquets & help you choose the best racquet on the market.
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Are you looking for some extraordinary best tennis racquets to play tennis, which are comfortable and also very powerful? Then, you must always opt for some.
Looking for the best tennis racket ever? This buying guide will compare the top features of the tennis racquets & help you choose the best racquet on the market.
Looking for the best tennis racket ever? This buying guide will compare the top features of the tennis racquets & help you choose the best racquet on the market.
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Looking for the best tennis racquet ever? This buying guide will compare the top features of the tennis racquets & help you choose the best tennis racquet 2016 on the market.