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WILSON [K] ZERO STRUNG PERFORMANCE VALUE RACQUET Looking for the best tennis racket ever? This buying guide will compare the top features of the tennis racquets & help you choose the best racquet on the market.

This is another tennis racquet available in the market. It is very special because it is the lightest tennis racket in the category of K-factor tennis rackets. It is really good for beginners and intermediates. If you are an advanced player, then it may not be that suitable for you as it works perfectly for defensive players and those players who just have to tap the moving ball lightly. It is very balanced and can offer you maximum manoeuvrability for the price range. It is tennis racquet for beginners and is also very stable.

As the [K] Zero is exceptionally light, it offers more control than ordinary K-factor tennis racquets. Also, it offers the perfect balance of power and stability, which allows free movement and powerful defences. It may not be very powerful for the advanced user, but it compensates in the field by its ease-of-use. You can even increase its power significantly by using some lead tape. You can use it in a doubles match, or for volleys. Its defence power can change the flow of the match in tougher matches.

The stringing of the tennis racket is very nicely done. This ensures little vibration and more power. You would not need to re-string it for quite some years. However, it is not made for serves and strong volleys, as they may break the stringing. It is dual tapered, which ensures powerful shots every time the ball is hit properly.

Wilson Tennis Racket

Wilson [K] Zero Strung Performance Value Racquet

Some Features Are Given Below :

  • The Wilson [K] Zero Strung Performance Value Tennis Racket is the lightest K-factor racquet available in the market, so it can be easily handled by beginners.
  • The tennis racket is designed in such a way that it can enable the player to move extremely easily while delivering powerful shots.
  • The tennis racquet is very stable and resists vibrations. So it is really very balanced and this quality makes it perfect for beginners in tennis.
  • The tennis racket is very easy to control and the player can swing it in any direction quite easily.
  • Head: The size of the head is 118 sq. inches.
  • The weight of the tennis racquet: The racquet is very lightweight at 9.1 oz (258g).
  • String pattern: The strings are arranged in a pattern of 16×19 strings.

The Wilson [K] Zero Strung Performance Value Racquet is tennis racquet for those beginners who are slowly learning the tricks of tennis. The tennis racquet has a really large head so that the sweet point for hitting the ball is large enough. The tennis racquet may not be extremely powerful, but it is really easy to swing, so beginners and those who are going to play a doubles match may find it very useful.

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Looking for the best tennis racket ever? This buying guide will compare the top features of the tennis racquets & help you choose the best racquet on the market.
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Looking for the best tennis racquet ever? This buying guide will compare the top features of the tennis racquets & help you choose the best tennis racquet 2016 on the market.