Welcome to St. Gabriel's!
St. Gabriel's is a Roman Catholic faith community located in Poway, CA. We are members of the Diocese of San Diego, under the leadership of Bishop Robert Brom.
As our founding pastor used to say, "Nobody is ever late at St. Gabriel's, just welcome."
A Message from Our Pastor
It is a pleasure to welcome you to our community of faith, St. Gabriel's. We hope that through our community you will find the presence and love of Christ.
In Acts 2:42, we read this about the early Church: "They devoted themselves to the apostles' instruction and the communal life, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."
These were people who knew Christ well. Their vision continues to be ours.
Our mission statement, set forth on this page, echoes the mission found in Acts. We hope that you will offer your time, talent and treasure to help advance the kingdom and your personal relationship with Christ.
Rev. Michael Froidurot
St. Gabriel's Parish Mission Statement
St. Gabriel's mission is to make present the Church of Christ in Poway. It does so by providing:
1. Mass and the Sacraments (Liturgy)
St. Gabriel's Roman Catholic Church 13734 Twin Peaks Road Poway, CA 92064