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Happy Memorial Day!
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Happy Memorial Day!
Cosmetic Dentist in Palm Springs CA offering dental implants, family dentistry, veneers, dentures, clearcorrect & invisalign.

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day is a day of observance for all the fallen American soldiers in all wars and conflicts. It is a long celebrated three-day holiday weekend with the official day of honor being on Monday. Memorial Day also marks the unofficial beginning of summer with most schools letting out for summer around this time.

We hope everyone can have a nice, relaxing holiday weekend without any worries or concerns. Palm Springs Dentistry wishes everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day. However, keep these dental tips in mind in the event you or a loved one is in need of urgent dental care. Give us a call at (760) 320-6506 for your next checkup. Our friendly staff is ready to help.

No matter how you choose to spend the holiday, it’s important to have fun but play it safe! Happy Memorial Day!

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Business details
Cosmetic Dentist in Palm Springs CA offering dental implants, family dentistry, veneers, dentures, clearcorrect & invisalign. Call today! (760) 320-6506