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Fortnite Season 7 Week 8 Challenges: everything you need to know
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Fortnite Season 7 Week 8 Challenges: everything you need to know
Use this guide to complete Fortnite’s Season 7 challenges and collect your weekly trove of XP to level up faster in Season 7’s Battle Pass.

The new Epic and Legendary challenges of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 7 Week 7 are now live. To gain access to the skins and cosmetics introduced with the new Fortnite battle pass, you’ll need a massive amount of experience points to gain Battle Stars. Completing weekly challenges is the best way to earn XP since this week’s challenges alone offer about 390 000 in total.

Fortnite Season 7 Week 8 Epic Challenges

Following up on our Week 7 Challenge Guide, here’s the full list of Fortnite Chapter 2’s Season 7 Week 8 Epic Challenges:

  • Use shield potions in a single match 0/4 – 30  000 XP
  • Collect building resources 0/750 – 30 000 XP
  • Visit Coral Cove, Base Camp Gold and Unremarkable Shack 0/3 – 30 000 XP
  • Build Structures 0/25 – 30 000 XP
  • Complete bounties from Bounty Boards 0/3 – 30 000 XP
  • Ignite enemy players or enemy player structures 0/15 – 30 000 XP
  • Emote in front of a camera at Believer Beach or Lazy Lake 0/1 – 30 000 XP

The numbers in the brackets refer to the times a respective action needs to be performed to complete the challenge and earn the XP reward mentioned alongside. Though most of the Epic challenges are self-explanatory, a couple of them may require added guidance.

Complete bounties from Bounty Boards 0/3 – 30 000 XP

Bounties from bounty boards can be completed by hunting down your target personally or by seeing your target be killed in some other way. Pick up a bounty from the board in the barn in The Orchard, north of Corny Complex. Then just wait for your opponent to get eliminated before the timer runs out, or hunt them down if you want to ensure the completion of the bounty and ultimately the challenge.  

Ignite enemy players or enemy player structures 0/15 – 30 000 XP

Use fireflies to ignite enemy players or structures, which can be obtained from Weeping Woods and other areas at the random look for their orange glow near some trees. Since the Season 6 update, fires have spread considerably faster, so if you have a large structure, you may be able to do this with just one jar of fireflies.

Emote in front of a camera at Believer Beach or Lazy Lake 0/1 – 30 000 XP

The first camera is located near the big pier with the restaurant at Believer Beach. Simply go down on the beach towards the right side of the pier. Once there, keep walking forward till you come across a pair of cutouts. There will be a camera right behind these cutouts. The camera will be protected by an umbrella so you should be able to spot it without any difficulty. 

The second camera is located inside one of the houses towards the southwest of this POI. There’s a house that’s got a jacuzzi on the terrace. The camera is located right on this terrace itself. Due to the numerous Ferraris spawning in Lazy Lake, it is the go-to landing spot for many players, so we suggest that you head to Believer Beach for this quest.

Fortnite Season 7 Week 8 Legendary Challenges

Here’s the full list of Fortnite Chapter 2’s Season 7 Week 8 Legendary Challenges: 

Get Sloane’s orders from a payphone (1) – 15 000 XP

It seems like players can’t catch a break from this Payphone challenge. These payphones are a little different as they are relatively modern-looking and shouldn’t be confused with the phone booths that you could hide in. Any payphone, which you can find at all bus stops, including one on the far west end of Misty Meadows. Here are all the locations for the payphones:

Fortnite Sloane Payphone XP

Collect access card from an IO Guard (1) – 45 000 XP

To collect an access card from an IO Guard, defeat an IO Guard at any of the satellite stations spread across the map, or those within Corny Complex. They have decent firepower but slow reactions, so it is easier to pick them off from a distance with a sniper rifle or high-grade assault rifle. The access card item should be a guaranteed drop from an IO guard, provided you haven’t already completed the quest. The item has no use outside of the quest so will not drop again once you have completed it. The satellite stations are marked on the map below:

Fortnite IO Guard Locs

Plant wiretaps at different key locations (3) – 30 000 XP

There are three wiretaps at each of the locations in the video below, but you will need to activate only one for that location to be complete. All of the possible wiretap locations are highlighted on the map below. Once you approach these locations, a blue outline will appear and a prompt to “Place wiretap” will appear. You then need to hold the use button until the wiretaps have been placed.

Interact with an IO Operative’s computer (1) – 30 000 XP

From what we can tell, there is an IO operative computer at each satellite station. You should hopefully be familiar with these now as this week has seen us visit them a couple of times. Clear out the IO guards at any of the aforementioned locations. Look for an old-style CRT computer on top of a storage box after you’re in the main building at any station. Simply interact with this computer to accomplish the mission. The locations have been marked on the map below:

Fortnite IO PC XP

Mindwipe Bunker Jonesy, Swamp Stalker or Human Bill (1) – 30,000 XP

The three NPCs you can choose between all have known fixed locations, making this quest much easier to complete. Performing a mindwipe on either of these Fortnite NPCs should be as simple as approaching and interacting with them. Only one NPC needs to be approached for the quest to be completed, so pick whichever is most convenient to land on. Here are their locations marked on the map below:

Fortnite Mindwipe

Converse with characters to identify an infiltrator (5) – 30 000 XP

So far there are 19 characters across the map to talk to, but there will likely be more that will be added throughout the season. You can choose any five NPCs for this one, just make sure to run through their quest-specific dialog options when you approach them. Here is a map of the current characters as of week 8:

Fortnite 19 Characters To Converse

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