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How Can You Choose The Most Suitable Chemical Fume Extractor
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This article will help you choose the most suitable chemical fume extractor. Cleatech offers the highest quality laboratory equipment.

Safety is the topmost priority for everyone, regardless of the situation. Laboratories are designed in such a way that they facilitate a safe working environment by minimizing risks to toxic circumstances, reducing cross-contamination, and exposure to hazardous chemicals and vapors. The ideal lab has a powerful combination of personnel protocol with distinctive equipment to provide a safe working space. 


A chemical fume extractor is a piece of standard laboratory equipment. It is a requirement in many educational, commercial, and research laboratories. A fume extractor helps provide an optimum research environment for students and technicians by removing all the toxin containment and gases with the help of its robust filtering system. 


There are types of chemical fume extractors like portable chemical fume extractors, ADA fume extractors, etc. Let us now understand the need for a chemical fume extractor and the best-suited one for your laboratory and your requirements.


Need Of Chemical Fume Extractor


While working with chemical, viral microbes, bacteria, and other potentially toxic materials, it is essential to know if they are airborne. During an experiment or research process, many chemical and biological substances can release droplets, fumes, and harmful gases. Even if inhaled in small amounts, it can cause health risks, injuries, and illness to the staff working in that surrounding. 


One can use a chemical fume extractor to eliminate all these risks by providing a safe and filter working environment. The suction mechanism of the extractor collects all the chemical gases, vapors, and particles and passes them to a series of filtration systems. This equipment protects the staff from respiratory exposure to harmful substances and allows them to focus on their work completely.


Types Of Chemical Fume Extractors


The selection of a chemical fume extractor depends on the purpose of the work. There is a wide range of fume extractors available in the market. Each of them is specifically designed for a certain job in the lab. Here are some of the commonly used extractors.


1. Benchtop 


A benchtop fume extractor does not have a support or mount. Instead, it is placed on the top of the working space surface. It is an ideal option if you have limited floor space, but still, you require a full-fledged chemical fume extractor for your laboratory.


The wing flaps feature helps direct the vapors and fumes towards the extractor’s region and then into its filtration system. The wings are easily adjustable and can be positioned most effectively according to certain work, or they can be placed flat against the sides of the model to converse area. 


2. Portable 


The portable chemical fume extractor has a safety engineering control that facilitates the trapping and filtering of airborne contaminants and hazardous fumes. Some of its features are flame-resistant, self-supportive arms, a small footprint, and a high-quality filtration system. Furthermore, the heavy-duty caste ensures easy mobility for the model. 


As it is portable, you can place it conveniently as per the requirement of your experiment. A portable chemical fume extractor eliminates the hazardous contaminants in the air and protects the researcher and technician from spills or mishappenings. As it has a small footnote, storing this equipment is easy. One can keep it on the work surface, on the floor, and even in a corner. 


3. Downdraft Table


A downdraft chemical fume extractor is ideal for trapping fumes, toxic gases, dust, contaminants, and smoke from the work surface level. This model is uniquely engineered with a safety control that helps to protect the operator’s breathing area and surroundings. Using negative pressure, the model pulls all the toxic particles and feeds them into its high-quality filtration systems.


The use of negative pressure in this unit eliminates the need for expensive exhaust equipment, which saves money. Additionally, it decreases energy consumption and losses while shielding the operators from any harmful pollutants that might be present. It accomplishes this by catching all of the toxins released from the source of emission.


Looking To Invest In A Portable Chemical Fume Extractor?


Cleatech offers the highest quality laboratory equipment and cleanroom supplies for any laboratory or research environment, no matter what the needs are. It doesn't matter whether you are looking for a portable chemical fume extractor or a laminar flow hood. You can obtain everything at the most competitive pricing in the industry. CleaTech LLC is a trusted name when it comes to laboratory equipment and cleanroom furnishings.


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  • +1 (888) 216-8033
  • 2106 N Glassell St, Orange, CA, 92865, USA
Cleatech LLC designs standard and custom-made laboratory solutions and clean room equipment.