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Highly Effective Home Remedies for Heartburn
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The acid reflux treatment can be successfully done through natural ways of treatment.

One of the easiest and quickest ways to get relief from heartburn is to get the antacids or prescription drugs from the chemists and use them. However, as far as acid reflux or heartburn is concerned, such medicines prove to be only the temporary solutions. The disease would re-occur at any point of time. The acid reflux experts, therefore, suggest some other methods of treatment for acid reflux or heartburn. Yes, the acid reflux treatment can be successfully done through natural ways of treatment. Not only do these treatments eliminate the acid reflux disease permanently, but simultaneously, they are also not all expensive.

Various home remedies for acid reflux

In fact, there are various home remedies for heartburn. The remedies are easily and effortlessly available at home. However, the problem is that many people are not aware of these remedies. Here are some highly effective home remedies for heartburn:

  • Balancing hydrochloric acid: The natural production of HCL in the stomach would spontaneously eliminate acid reflux. Replacing cheap table salt with Himalaya Crystal Salt can do the needful as it contains chloride and several other trace minerals.
  • Diet change: Instead of consuming processed food and sugar, it is good to eat organic fruits and vegetables for combating acid reflux or heartburn.
  • Organic baking soda: Not many know that the organic baking soda is highly suitable as acid reflux treatment. Mixing a spoonful of it in a glass of water and drinking it can be quite beneficial in treating acid reflux. However, the people with high blood pressure should consult their physician first.
  • Organic aloe vera: Aloe vera is considered to be a highly popular herb used in treating several diseases or disorders. For treating diarrhea, upset stomach, and bowl diseases etc; it is highly suitable. It is available in several forms in the market. The aloe vera leaf gel proves to be highly useful for increasing digestion and treating acid reflux. Also, the juices or powders of aloe vera are one of the best home remedies for heartburn. Drinking one or two ounces of unprocessed aloe vera juice is also highly beneficial in remedying acid reflux.
  • Apple cider vinegar: Consuming one or two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar on a regular basis can completely cure acid reflux. It can be mixed with honey for increasing taste.
  • Raw almonds: The raw almonds, known as alkaline producing food, can be very much helpful for treating acid reflux. The raw almonds duly balance the PH of the body as they contain calcium.
  • The consumption of fenugreek, chamomile and mint is also good for combating acid reflux.

It is not all a difficult task to get rid of acid reflux. There are several methods of acid reflux treatment and these methods can be used by anyone and everyone suffering from this disease. However, for the treatment to be effective, it is essential to avoid certain food items such as spicy and fatty foods. Moreover, alcohol consumption and smoking should be avoided as these are regarded as the prominent causes of acid reflux.


RefluxMD provides an overview of all reflux treatment. If you are looking for acid reflux treatment get in touch with us so that we can guide you based on the home remedies for heartburn.

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