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Foods responsible for causing acid reflux
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The best acid reflux or GERD treatment is to avoid the foods that cause it. However, it is not possible unless you know which foods cause acid reflux symptoms.

Acid reflux or GERD is not certainly a hereditary or genetic disease. What plays a great role in triggering this disease is the consumption of certain food items. So, if you desire to avoid acid reflux, the best strategy is to avoid the consumptions of such food items. The best acid reflux or GERD treatment is to avoid the foods that cause it. However, it is not possible unless you know which foods cause acid reflux symptoms. Here are some top foods causing acid reflux symptoms which you should avoid in case you frequently suffer from GERD:

Tangy Citrus Fruits

Almost all tangy citrus fruits such as the grapefruits and oranges etc are known for causing acid reflux symptoms. These fruits are highly acidic and are notorious for causing heartburn. Again, they escalate the chances of heartburn if they are consumed empty stomach.

Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onion may be the indispensable items of your kitchen, but you need to be careful if you frequently fall prey to acid reflux as these are in the list of the foods causing acid reflux symptoms.


For many, coffee may be integral to the lifestyle, but if you suffer from acid reflux, you should better avoid. One or two cups of coffee a day is fine, but drinking it frequently may lead to acid reflux even if you do not have it already. You can switch on to herbal tea instead of consuming coffee and triggering acid reflux.

Dairy Products with High Fat

Dairy products with high fat are notorious for causing acid reflux .It is not that you should completely stop consuming cheese, butter, or any other dairy products, but that you should limit their use to flavoring the dishes and not make them the core food items for your diet.


Can you live without chocolates? If you love chocolates, you may not dream of living without them. However, if you are troubled by acid reflux, you should avoid consuming too much of chocolate as it is also in the list of the foods causing acid reflux symptoms. Chocolate is high in caffeine, fat, and cocoa etc that tend to trigger acid reflux and it is the reason that you should avoid consuming chocolates.

All Fried and Spicy Foods

Whether it is the deep or not-so-deep fried foods, all fried and spicy foods are ill-famous for causing heartburn or acid reflux and it is wise to avoid such foods.


This may not be the part of the regular diet for all, but the people suffering from acid reflux should avoid it. Moreover, it is better to not mix the acidic contents in the cocktail.

GERD Treatment

There are various home remedies available for GERD treatment. Also, you can find the medicine over the counter of the chemists. But there is no reason why you should go to that extent if you can reduce the chances of acid reflux or even completely eliminate it by avoiding the consumption of the food items causing acid reflux or heartburn.


The writer is an expert in the field of foods cause acid reflux symptoms. For more information about GERD treatment visit Refluxmd.

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