Drug Addiction Treatment Center, Alcoholism Treatment Program, Addiction Treatment Center, Rehabilitation Center, Mental Health Service
- 27600 Sunday Dr. Temecula, CA 92590
- +1 (951) 602-5676
Addiction treatment center, collegiate recovery, sober students, drug & alcohol treatment, outpatient treatment, addiction treatment, half-way house, sober living, student recovery
- 367 Anza Street, San Francisco, CA 94118
- +1 (310) 822-1234
Halfway House South Bay, Halfway Houses in California, Addiction Treatment Center South Bay, Los Angeles Sober Living, Halfway House Los Angeles, Halfway House Near Me, Halfway Houses Near Me
- 4124 Marine Ave, Lawndale, CA, 90260, USA
- +1 (888) 559-3463
Drug addiction treatment center, addiction treatment center, rehabilitation center, drug and alcohol rehab, addiction recovery center, addiction treatment, inpatient addiction treatment
- 1800 Bridgegate St, Suite #203, Westlake Village, CA 91361
- +1 (877) 762-3707
Addiction treatment center, alcohol addiction, sexual addiction
- 2729 Bristol St Costa Mesa, CA 92626
- +1 (888) 700-5053
Northbound Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center in La Jolla is committed to the successful transformation of its patients.
- 7924 Ivanhoe Ave, Suite 7, La Jolla, California, 92037
- +1 (858) 380-4499
Addiction Treatment Center
- 3151 Airway Drive, #F105B, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 United States
- +1 (949) 444-9047