Gilda's Club Desert Cities... a community of people whose lives have been touched by cancer....all types of cancer. It's a community of people who have found strength, comfort, and inspiration by sharing their experiences. Women, men, and children; Friends and family; Volunteers and donors; Discovering a place where we can all come together, AT NO COST, to re-charge our spirits and our souls with FREE PSYCHOSOCIAL CANCER SUPPORT.
At Gilda's Club, YOU are the expert. Your experience with cancer is unique and you are encouraged to come as you are; tears, laughter, whatever your life experiences may be. Utilize the activities at Gilda's Club to become empowered in decision-making and regain control over your life. You can broaden your social connections and learn to live with cancer, whatever the outcome.
At Gilda's Club we believe that social and emotional cancer support is as important as medical care. Share YOUR experiences with other members and benefit from the collective wisdom that emerges from networking with a community that truly understands. Build friendships and feel the joy of participating in a community.
It's YOUR choice. You use Gilda's Club as much or as little as you want. Choose from our full calendar of events to plan for your social and emotional support. When you become a member, we help you design a customized plan that suits your personal needs and is as structured as you like.
Printable 8 1/2 X 11" October/November Calendar
11 X 17" October/November Calendar