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Paladin Law Group LLP
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Paladin Law Group, LLC, Multidisciplinary environmental law & policy legal practice and professional sustainability services firm with offices
Address3757 State St Santa Barbara, CA 93105-3133
Phone(805) 898-9700
Paladin at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
Bret Stone addressed a class of graduate students at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management on issues of corporate risk management, environmental and regulatory compliance, and sustainability. The Bren School has earned a reputation as one of the top schools of its kind in the nation and is well-known for its integration of science, management, law, economics, and policy as part of an interdisciplinary approach to environmental problem-solving.
Marin as a Design Center for Sustainable Development
Ed Quevedo spoke at the Environmental Forum of Marin on sustainable development as an engine of economic development. Marin County is perfectly situated to be a design hub for the next generation of a broad array of sustainable industries. Setting up the framework for next-gen industrial, architectural, landscape, and manufacturing process design would bring high value jobs to Marin County and create a "New Milan" that would leverage Marin's future-oriented sensibilities and environmental ethic.
Stone discusses Why Sustainability Makes Business Sense at PEMA
Bret Stone was the keynotespeaker at the Professional Environmental Marketing Association. The term sustainability is becoming commonplace. But what does it really mean? And why should we care? Companies and public agencies of all sizes are moving towards creating sustainability policies even in the face of a slow economy. These corporate leaders are not just do-gooders. They have proven that using all of their resources financial, natural, and human capital to the utmost efficiency is good for business in numerous ways. Moving a business from compliance-oriented to beyond compliance-focused generates huge benefits not only in pollution savings, but in brand reputation and employee morale.
Quevedo at Boalt Hallfor lecture onSustainability Law & Policy
Ed Quevedodelivered a guest Lecture at the Boalt Hall School of Law at UC Berkeley on Sustainability Law & Policy A Legal Trend Transforming the Relationship Between Business, Nature, & Society. The lectureargued that this relationship has been fundamentally unhealthy and that traditional environmental law and policy tools have largely failed to achieve their desired outcomes. Ed will discussed the emerging trend toward sustainability law & policy and the promise that this new generation of tools and instruments holds to forge a more healthy, authentic, and rational relationship between business and society.
Paladin goes to Hawaii
The garden island ofKauai is rapidly becoming a center of excellence in sustainable community design. In the past, professionals in Paladin have advised Malama Kauai on a strategy for sustainability master planning on the island. Malama Kauai is an organization that strives to create a Kaua`i where the `aina (environment) is healthy, people enjoy a high quality of life, the sense of community is strong, and culture is respected and perpetuated. The organization is founded on the four pillars of sustainability; what they call the quadruple bottom line environment, culture, economy, and society. Malama Kauai has now engaged Paladin to provide the legal and advisory services necessary to develop their Strategic Development Plan. As a part of Paladins continuing commitment to community service, we are undertaking this exciting workpro bono.
Quevedo on Two Panelsat PrestigiousEnvironmental Law Conference at Yosemite

Stone Speaks at London School of Economics Panelon Gulf Oil Spill
Bret Stoneserved on a panel fora London School of Economics event entitled Corporate Responsibility When Catastrophe Strikes - An Expert Legal Panel Looks at Who Pays and Why."The centerpiece of thediscussion was theoil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, but branched out to other areas of pollution liability and corporate responsibility and sustainability policies including the differences in environmental regulations in the US compared to the EU.
Business Stewardship: What's Next After Performance Track? Exploring Whats Next for Corporate Stewardship, Ethics, and Sustainability

Pacific Coast Business Times Names Stone as a Whos Who in Clean Tech & Sustainability
Bret Stone was recognized for his work in environmentaland sustainability law and policybythe Pacific Coast Business Times. The list chronicles the efforts of leaders in areas related to the new energy economy, green building, and other aspects of sustainability.
ParriottFaciliates West Coast Green Panel on Sustainability
Sarah Isabel Parriottfacilitated a panel at the West Coast Green conference in San Francisco on the role of Cities as Accelerators of Sustainability. The panelfollowed keynote speakers Gavin Newsom and Bill McDonough.West Coast Green is the world's leading interactive conference on green innovation for the built environment. This is where the most valuable ideas meet visionary thinkers at the drawing board for a cleaner, brighter future. West Coast Green presents the single largest opportunity to see, share, learn and participate in green innovation and design for the built environment.
DotGreen Registry Selects Paladin Law Group for Legal and Strategic Services
The standard Top Level Domains (TLDs), including .com, .net, .org, etc., are established by the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers, a California Non-profit 501 (c) 3 Corporation known as ICANN. Paladins newest client, DotGreen Registry (, is a non-profit for public benefit corporation designed to offer a .green branding opportunity to companies and individuals choosing to show their support of environmental and humanitarian organizations as they purchase their .green domain names. DotGreen plans to apply for the .green TLD through ICANN, and seeks to successfully manage, promote and sell .green TLD names. DotGreen's mission involves advancing the green economy while engaging the worlds citizens in the growing green movement for the benefit of people and planet in all regions of the globe.
Paladin Law GroupPresents on Two Panels at the83rd Annual Meeting of the State Bar of California in Monterey

StoneServes on Panelat Clean Business Investment Summit in Santa Barbara
Bret Stone served on a panel entitled"Making Cents of Sustainability: Trends and Opportunities in Clean Business" at the Clean Business Investment Summit in Santa Barbara. The event was organized by theCalifornia Coast Venture Forum ( as a venue"Where Socially Responsible Investors, and Service Providers Meet Socially Responsible Entrepreneurs."
Paladin Settles Dry Cleaning Contamination Case
After years of battling with the former owners and operators of a dry cleaning plant in Los Angeles and their insurers, ahighly contested and complex environmental contamination case has finally come to a close. Paladin's involvement in the case began in 2003 when its insurance archaeology efforts identified the historic insurance assetsrelated to the site. A lawsuit was filed in 2005under nuisance, trespass laws, and state environmental laws. Many parties settled along the way. In the end,Paladin recovered more than $2.2 million for its client.
Paladin Law Group Certified as a Green Business
The Bay Area Green Business Program certified Paladin Law Group as a businessthat meetsits high standards of environmental performance. The firm has also been recognizedas a member of the Green Chamber of Commerce.
Straus Family Creamery Seeks Guidance from Paladin
In the firmament of sustainable businesses in the Northern California region, Straus Family Creamery stands alone as the leader in sustainably produced dairy and milk products. Straus' well-earned reputation for responsible and sustainable business practices has formed the foundation forits significant commercial success. Straushas engaged Paladin to work with its leadership team to develop stronger and more resilient and adaptive models of sustainability success, designed to propel its business further toward even higher levels of financial, social, and ecological performance, success, and profit.
Ayurvedic Skin Care Maker to Build Sustainability Management System
DoshaCare, Inc. has hired Paladin Law Group to design and implement a Sustainability Management System for its business operations. DoshaCare offers a complete line of Ayurvedic skin care products, customizable to an individuals unique Dosha and skin type. DoshaCare products combine the centuries-old Indian Ayurvedic philosophy with the best of Western science and technology to offer an innovative, holistic and environmentally responsible approach to skin care that promotes healthy lifestyle choices.
EcoFair Marin Selects Paladin asLegal Counsel and Planning Partner
EcoFair Marin is working with the City of San Rafael to plan a major regional sustainability gathering in Marin County onApril 23, 2011. This next-generation green festival, to be held in conjunction with Earth Day 2011, is an outgrowth of San Rafaels Climate Change Action Plan. EcoFair Marin is designed to bring businesses, nonprofits and the community together to celebrate and advance local sustainability efforts. The festival will include great entertainment, food, speakers, and family activities to inform, engage, and empower participants. In order to support the planning of this event, identify and contribute thought leaders who will conduct workshops and other events during the fair, and to provide the legal services needed to deliver such an ambitious undertaking, EcoFair Marinretained Paladin Law Group. As a part of our continuing contributions to the communities we are privileged to serve, Paladin has agreed to take on this engagement pro bono. Please watch our website for updates on this important event.
Sustainable Winery Development: What You Need to Know
Paladin Law Groupwill be co-hosting three workshops covering key issues, pitfalls, and strategies relating to sustainable winery projects. The first workshop will discuss integrating green practices into your brand and marketing strategies, assembling the right team of experts, balancing project goals and constraints, and optimizing sustainable aspects of development. These workshops will be offered both in Napa Valley and the Central Coast. The next workshop will be inSan Luis Obispo at a date to be announced.
PaladinFeatured at AIHce
Paladin Law Group was featured in three sessions during the International American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce). Ed Quevedo led the 5th Annual Professional Development Course on Sustainable Development 101along with Dave Stangis of Campbell Soup and Jeff Hogue of Danisco, AG among others. Healso anchored a discussion on Green and Sustainably Designed Buildings andwas part of a panel discussion on Measuring Sustainability Performance.
Quevedo Invited to Executive Workshop on Sustainable Development
Ed Quevedo was one ofaselect group of 20 key actors in the sustainable development dialogue invited to develop a set of consensus recommendations about the roadmap to a livable future.
Participants in the Executive Workshop representa cross-section of influential actors representing academia, NGOs/think-tanks, corporate executives, and policy-makers.
Paladin Holds Product Labeling Webinar

Paladin is recruiting for the following positions:
Senior CEQA/NEPA Lawyer with at least ten years of experience. Candidate must have strong client following and an established history of business development. Interest in supporting growth of a law practice with domestic and international clients that seeks to have a positive impact in supporting clients progress toward sustainable operations, development, and projects a definite plus. Entrepreneurial firm offers clients creative rate structures, unique branding, and experienced attorneys who enjoy being a part of a team. Please contact us by e-mailing communications will be held in the strictest confidence. Principals Only.
Senior Corporate/Energy Lawyer with at least seven years of experience with emphasis in energy, mergers and acquisitions, emerging companies, and corporate law. Candidate must have strong client following and an established history of business development. Interest in supporting growth of a law practice with domestic and international clients that seeks to have a positive impact in supporting clients progress toward sustainable operations, products, and corporate culture a definite plus. Entrepreneurial firm offers clients creative rate structures, unique branding, and experienced attorneys who enjoy being a part of a team. Please contact us by e-mailing communications will be held in the strictest confidence. Principals Only.
Contract Attorney with at least five years of experience. Candidate must have demonstrated passion for environmental and sustainability issues and strong background in practice areas such as environmental law and litigation, regulatory compliance, sustainability, CEQA and land use, cleantech, energy and corporate law. Strong interest and commitment to sustainability issues and the advancement of sustainable business practices preferred. Please contact us by e-mailing communications will be held in the strictest confidence. Principals Only.
Paladin Law Group and Green Chamber of CommerceCo-Host Event in Berkeley
Paladin's Sustainability Practice Groupco-hosted an event with the Green Chamber of Commerce ( at the Brower Center in Berkeley. The eveningincluded discussions led by Paladin's Ed Quevedo and Sarah Isabel Parriott on the topic of Sustainability Metrics for All Stakeholders: Business, Customer, and Community.
City of Santa Cruz Selects Paladin Law Group to Design the Implementation Strategy of its General Plan
The innovative Planning Department of the City of Santa Cruz has retained Paladin Law Group's professional and legal services in order to create the implementation portion for its General Plan 2030. This dynamic process of implementation will positively impact the development of this unique coastal city, creating community benefits, while protecting ecosystems.This project will bring sustainability into the long term planning process for the City of Santa Cruz, and give both government and citizens a road map to realize the General Plan 2030.
San Francisco taps Paladin Law Group for Energy and Climate Change Contract
After an arduous RFP and interview process, Paladin Law Group was selected by the City and County of San Francisco to provide professional sustainability and legal services in the areas of regulations and policy, comprehensive energy/GHG reduction program design and development, marketing and information, and training. Teaming up with Paladin on this project are Arup and EDAW/AECOM. The new programs and energy efficiency incentives will build on current efforts seen in San Francisco, such as Energy Watch, which incentivize energy efficiency in buildings, transit alternatives, alternative vehicle fuels, and generating electricity with renewable energy to achieve goals of energy self-reliance, improved air quality, and the reduction of greenhouse gases by 20 percent below the 1990 levels.
Quevedo Speaks at NIOSH Green Jobs Workshop
Ed Quevedo was a plenary speaker atthe Making Green Jobs Safe Workshop on the subject ofintegrating worker health and safety into green jobs and sustainability. The conference was held in Washington DC.
US Green Building Coucil Retains Paladin Law Group
The United States Green Building Council, California Central Coast Chapter has retained Paladin Law Group to provide legal services relating to its education programs.
International E-Waste Firm Calls on Paladin Law Group
MRT System International AB,a Swedish-based manufacturer of infrastructure equipment for recovering mercury from electronic waste and recycling machines for lighting technology and computer equipment, has retained PaladinLawGroup forcompliance counseling on domestice and international product labeling and environmental attribute regulations.
Applied Materials Engages Paladin for Domestic and International EHS Work

Paladin Selected as Environmental Counsel for Biopharmaceutical Company
Nektar Therapeutics,a leading biopharmaceutical company, has retained Paladin Law Group to support its EHS compliance and environmental performance programs. Nektar has a robust product pipeline based on its advanced polymer conjugate chemistry technology platform, including oncology, pain management, and anti-infectives. Based in San Carlos, California, Nektar also has operations in Alabama and Hyderabad, India.
Stone andParriottSpeak at Environmental Summit
Bret Stone and Sarah Isabel Parriottpresentedon "Why Sustainability Makes Business Sense" at theAnnual Statewide Environmental Summit in San Diego sponsored by the CaliforniaManufacturers& Technology Association, the Industrial Environmental Association, and the Chemical IndustryCouncil of California.
Bret StoneSpeaks on Legal Developments Regarding Insurance Claims for Pollution Coverage
Bret Stone served on a panel to discusskey decisions of the California Supreme Court and California Court of Appeals that have forced insurers to rethink how they deal with insurance coverage claims for pollution. Cases on "stacking" insurance policies over multiple years of coverage, the insured's burden of proof regarding damage caused by "sudden and accidental events," the breadth of the pollution exclusion, and the scope of an insurer's duty to defend have been a boost to policyholders and those responding to environmental contamination. The session also explored how insurance coverage may apply to issues of climate change and greenhouse gas emissions in an ever-changing field of environmental law.
Paladin Law Group Settles Environmental Contamination Case for Shopping Center
Paladin Law Group represented the owner of a shopping center in a lawsuit against the operators of a dry cleaning plant and the manufacturers of the dry cleaning equipment in a federal lawsuit asserting liability under RCRA, CERCLA, nuisance, and trespass.
John Till Appointed to California Redevelopment Associations Sustainability Committee
CRA tapped John Till as a founding member of its new Sustainability Committee. CRA has been emphasizing the need for redevelopment agencies to build sustainable projects by promoting urban-centered growth, restoring once contaminated areas to viable use, preserving the environment and open space, and reducing urban sprawl and commute times. With the rise of sustainability in the public consciousness, CRA thought it appropriate to establish a standing committee to focus on issues related to sustainability and redevelopment.
Paladin Law Group Settles Nondisclosure, Breach of Fiduciary Duty Case
Paladin Law Group represented the buyers in a lawsuit against the sellers and real estate brokers in a dual agency situation for failing to disclose that an underground heating oil tank had once been located at the property and that pipelines associated with the tank were still buried underground. The case was settled for an undisclosed amount a week before trial.
PaladinPresents at California Redevelopment Association Conference
Bret Stone was a presenterfor the California Redevelopment Association on how historic insurance policies may be an effective tool in Brownfields redevelopment. The eventincluded representatives of municipalities throughout California.
Bret Stone Selected as a Whos Who in Professional Services by the Pacific Coast Business Times
For the fifth straight year, Bret Stone has been recognized by the Pacific Coast Business Times for his work on the Central Coast.


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