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Positively Fit Personal Training
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Lose Fat, Tone Up and Get Into Killer Shape with Orange County Personal Trainer. See the Amazing Success Stories... FREE to Try
Address17811 Sky Park Circle, 5 Irvine, CA 92614
Phone(800) 310-5062

Renegade Orange County Personal Trainer flips the fat loss industry on its ear and leaves the "Experts" scratching their heads wondering...

"How Does a Man Who Was 143lbs Overweight and Suffering From Crippling Back-Pain Get Into Fitness Model Shape Practically Overnight and Help Hundreds of Others To Lose Fat At Such A Rapid Rate Their Own Families Don’t Even Recognize Them?"

If you're sick and tired of bouncing from useless diets to Yo-Yo fat loss fads... or if you're frustrated STRUGGLING to lose fat and keep it off for good, only to discover you've gained it all back just a few days later...

...Then take a moment to read this page. It might be the most important page you have ever read.

In it you will discover what could possibly be the most powerful Fat-Melting program ever devised – a program so simple yet so effective, literally anyone can do it. Including you!
From: Chris McCombs

I PERSONALLY know what it’s like to be out of shape. Check out this picture of what I used to look like (when I was 359lbs.)...

On January 17th, 2001 I walked out of a Rubio's Fish Taco restaurant and looked over and saw my profile reflecting back at me in a window...
I couldn't believe what I saw... I'd TOTALLY let myself go... no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hide the extra weight any longer...
I couldn't even fit into most of the clothes sitting in my own closet... they looked ridiculous on me.
Not to mention I was getting very little attention from the opposite sex... it was almost like I didn't even exist to them anymore... I might as well have been invisible... all 359lbs. of me.
I felt like someone had shoved an ice pick into my heart and just left it there...
I looked like I didn't respect myself at all... like all I did was sit around and eat junk food... like I didn't care one damn bit about my health or the way I looked... but I DID care...
That night when I got home I plopped down on my couch and practically had a breakdown... and out of sheer emotional pain I decided I'd finally had it... I swore to myself "I am going to lose this fat once and for all!"
Even though I was hesitant I joined a gym... I told a few of the guys at my work what I was doing and they all laughed at me -"YOU, GOING TO THE GYM!!!" they said. That really hurt...

I dragged myself into the gym and worked out... I pushed, I pulled, and I even grunted a few times. And after all that work - NO RESULTS...

I tried all kinds of fat loss pills that we're supposed to speed up my metabolism and suppress my appetite... but all they did was make me nervous and cranky.

I tried low-carb diets but they made me crave sweets so bad I would go on sugar binges literally for hours... the guilt was overbearing.

I tried liquid diets but they made me so hungry I became as mean as a malnourished pit bull.

I tried workout videos I was supposed to follow along in my living room but the boredom and lack of motivation made it unbearable... no wonder NO ONE gets results with those things.

I tried home gym equipment with bands and balls but all that did was collect dust clutter up my garage.

I tried it ALL and NONE of it worked for me.
I KNEW there had to be something more to it, something I was missing, something I was doing wrong and I was determined to find out what it was...
So what did I do next?
I literally spent HUNDREDS of hours studying the ins and outs of how it all works. I devoured every useful piece of information I could get my hands on. I studied and applied things that worked and others that didn't. Night after night I stayed up until sunrise trying to figure out the perfect fat loss program.
I discovered is there was so much MISINFORMATION out there that finding the TRUTH became like looking for a needle in a haystack... And what I found shocked me...
I Literally Stumbled onto Secrets and Lies the So-Called "Experts" in the Fat Loss Industry Don't Want You to Know About
You see, when most people try to get into shape they rely on the advice given in popular books, magazines and websites... This is a HUGE problem...
Let me explain ...
The Fat Loss Industry is BIG BUSINESS and the competition is fierce... In 2007 alone Americans spent over $39.2 Billion on diets, nutritional supplements and weight loss products.
Fact # 1 - The diet and supplement industry is so loosely regulated the multimillion dollar corporations get away with just about anything they want.
Fact # 2 - The major diet and supplement companies own the big fitness magazines and websites and publish many of the popular fat loss books... A lot of the articles in these publications are nothing but DISGUISED advertisements for the products.
Fact # 3 - These same companies spend millions of dollars advertising with the media and able to SPIN the "news" just about any way they want.
So what you're reading and watching on the news about fat loss is usually NOTHING more than what these large corporations want you to believe... I'm sorry to be the one to have to break it to you, but...
You have been lied to by these unscrupulous corporations again and again
And because of all this deception, most people who try to lose fat are doing it WRONG... people are relying on pills, powders and "magic drinks"... they're using the wrong programs, doing the wrong exercises and even worse...
When most people workout they are using DANGEROUS form!
Not only is this highly INEFFECTIVE, but it can also do irreversible damage to your body... you can blow out your joints and end up with caveman posture (just look around your local health club and you'll see what I mean).
So what did I do when I discovered all these lies and cut-throat tactics?
I got REVENGE - the BEST kind of revenge possible... I got into mind-blowing shape WITHOUT relying on their LIES and crappy products.
How did I do this?
I became steadfast in using only the MOST PRODUCTIVE muscle-toning and fat-melting principles known to man...
And guess what?
The fat literally FELL OFF my body... Muscles I NEVER knew I had became hard and defined...
In fact, I lost 143lbs...

Hardly Anyone Believed I Could Lose ALL That Fat But I Did
And that's JUST the beginning... Now I feel like I'm 15 years younger, I have tons of energy and I even stand 1 1/4 inches taller...
And what's really exciting is what's happened to my self image... Let's just say when I look in the mirror I'm pretty damn stoked with what I see... My social life is better, my love life is better, my health is better, in fact EVERYTHING is better.
Now the story could've ended here, but this is where it gets really exciting... You're NEVER gonna believe it, but...
I Accidentally Become The Most Sought After Personal Trainer in Orange County
You see, as I continued looking better and better something REALLY STRANGE began to happen... People started to constantly ask me questions like "How did you lose ALL that fat so fast?" and "What do you do to look SO good?" and "Can you help ME look better too?"

"I used to hate working out, but with Positively Fit Personal Training I can't wait to go to the gym! Since I've been training with them I literally have lost pound after pound. They are masters at keeping you accountable to you goals... when I've been more than 5 minutes late, they call me. It's fabulous! I have worked with other personal trainers in Orange County before and by far, Positively Fit is the ONLY program that was able to get me into shape so quickly. I truly believe they care about every one of their clients." *

"Because of working out with personal trainer Kardena Pauza at Positively Fit I've dropped 17 lbs. in weeks, my knee pains have diminished and I can now do dynamic leg exercises pain free. I used to barely fit into a size 38 pants and now 34 pants are loose!" *

"I began training with Chris's team in late August but I had NO IDEA what a profound change would take place. I lost 23 pounds in less than 3 months! In fact, at first glance, some of my own family members don't even recognize me now. Before Positively Fit I had struggled with a poor body image for years and was bulimic for the past three. My feelings about my body and weight were severely negative and I fought to overcome this opinion of myself. Training with Positively Fit enabled me to do this.
Today I look in the mirror and see beauty that matches what is inside. Prior to training with Positively Fit I found it impossible to go to the gym. Knowing I had an appointment held me accountable so I showed up to the gym each week. I could not have done it without them and I am grateful they accepted me into their incredible program. Because of Positively Fit I now have a healthy body image which is something I haven't had in a long time." *

"The personal trainers at Positively Fit truly know how to motivate people; they challenge you to go for the max, even when you think you can't. So far I've lost 55 pounds." *

"Before I starting working out with the
Positively Fit Personal Training Team, I had tried several gyms. I just never could find motivation to stick with my workouts. The Positively Fit team makes showing up to the gym easy and they always make sure I use proper exercise form and maximize every moment spent in the gym. They keep me accountable by making sure I'm keeping up on my cardio and eating the right foods. In 18 weeks, I've lost 23 pounds and gained muscles everywhere on my body!" *

Teacher (We didn't put Andy's last name at his request because his students like to Google him)

“Thanks for this hot body...”
"Chris, Thanks for this hot body!!! =) If it wasn't for you I would be sooooo out of shape!!! Oh and by the way I met with one of my photographers yesterday...went up to him and gave him a hug....the first thing he says is.."Damn woman...your body is hard...have you been working out?"...heheheh...pretty cool, huh?... I owe it all to you." *

People started practically BEGGING me to help them shed fat...
So I gave a few pointers here and there but I actually didn't put too much thought into it... But guess what?
The first person I helped lost 31 pounds in less than 9 weeks... and the next lost 59 pounds in just 5 months! Keep in mind these are the first two people I helped... I was brand new to this whole thing and just doing it for FUN... but it made me realize just how much I enjoyed helping people...
Soon I knew what I wanted to do with my life - help other people LOOK and FEEL great.

At first I was hesitant to get into the personal training industry because I had friends who told me horror stories about personal trainers they'd hired...
They told me about their trainers doing nothing but taking their money... how their trainers just stood around with a clipboard during the workout blabbin' about their personal lives... how their trainers didn't seem to know a THING about getting them into shape....
And one of the biggest complaints people had was that their trainers always took them through the same old BORING workout routine (This makes the workouts highly INEFFECTIVE because your body adapts quickly to any routine you give it and will soon stop making progress).
But just because there were some rotten apples in the industry I refused to let that stop me... in fact, I decided to use that in my favor by setting a positive example for other trainers to follow...
At first I got a job training at a well known corporate health club, but quickly became frustrated when I found out the management didn't care one tiny bit if the trainers actually got people into shape or not. All they cared about were the numbers... they just wanted the trainers to upsell the gym members on everything they could... including the crappy supplements I knew were a complete waste of money... I butted heads with management a number of times over this issue.
I knew if I was going help people get into incredible shape I'd have to take the bull by the horns and break away from the industry standards.... So I went off on my own, became certified through The National Academy of Sports Medicine and started Positively Fit Personal Training.
In a short matter of time I was able to help so
many people get the bodies they wanted... at such a rapid rate... that the demand for my services literally shot through the roof...
What’s really cool... is most of the people I trained NEVER thought they could have a great body... and I was able to get them into lean and toned shape in almost the blink of an eye... even their own family members didn’t recognize them without doin’ the ole’ double take.
Because of all these night and day transformations it wasn’t long before the waiting list for my services grew FAR beyond what I was able to handle myself. So here’s what I did...
I systemized my training into the "Positively Fit Advantage Program" and hired a team of the highest qualified and most result-producing trainers in Orange County... these are TRULY the one-percenters and they use the exact same training systems that has been proven to work for my clients time and again.
Here's why this program works so well...
Because I've personally been out of shape and have less than average genetics my program takes a radically different approach than the "can't relate" trainers who've ALWAYS been in good shape and who think that what works for them must work for everyone.
My program is for people with "Average" or "Less than average" genetics
What we do is fuse cutting-edge SCIENCE with FUN and challenging "old-school" exercise techniques so your body will transform at a rapid rate...
We also apply the right mindset, energy and world class motivation along with top notch guidance, ironclad instruction and complete support to give you a workout experience with unsurpassable results (This means you're gonna look great NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF GENETICS YOU HAVE).
We also constantly SWITCH-UP the workout routines so you never get bored with the workouts, your body never adapts and you continue to make non-stop progress at a rapid rate... we will literally "trick" your body into shape...
Here's what you get with our Positively Fit Advantage Program:

Weekly Personal Training Sessions - You'll receive trainer-supervised workouts on a weekly basis that'll constantly drive you towards your ideal body as FAST as possible. (In week two of your training we're going to put you on an exercise that's gonna fire up every single muscle in your body so you can start seeing toned muscle all over within just a few weeks.)
Motivation - Your trainer will motivate you every single time you come in for a workout so reaching your fitness goals will be EASY (Without this external motivation, it is EXTREMELY difficult for most people to get into shape.)
Guidance - During your workouts we'll practically guide you by the hand through the entire process (All you have to do is show up and you get one of the most fat-melting and muscle-toning workouts available anywhere, practically on auto-pilot.)
Instruction - We will show you EXACTLY how to do every exercise SAFE and correctly (you won't be one of the countless people wasting their time using ineffective and dangerous exercise form.)
Support - We will give you mental, physical and emotional support which is CRUCIAL in making consistent progress (When most people start an exercise program on their own they quit within 60 days... we're here to make sure this DOESN'T happen to YOU.)
Accountability - We'll MAKE SURE you show up to your workouts, which makes getting into shape practically inevitable (Getting to the gym is half the battle.)
Nutritional Instruction - You'll discover which foods to eat and which foods to stay away from like a mugger in a dark alley (It's probably NOT the foods you fact, if you're like most people, you probably had one of these "foods to avoid at all costs" within the last 19 hours without even knowing it.)

Fun Workouts - If you don't enjoy something you probably won't stick with it... so we make SURE you have a damn good time during your workouts (You're actually gonna LOOK FORWARD to working out for once!)
Push you when you need it - Let face it, everybody has days where they're not feeling 100%, even the best of us. That's why we're here to lift you up, cheer you on and give you a kick in the BUTT when you need it. (We're here to make sure you ALWAYS rise to the occasion and maximize every single workout... this just isn't possible without a trainer.)

Lose fat once and for all - With conventional methods over 93% of people who lose fat gain it all back. We'll show you how to do be part of the 7% of people who keep the fat off forever (This alone is worth at least 10 times the cost of the training.)
Tone up your entire body - We're gonna make you lean and defined everywhere. When people rely on pills and crash diets, they might lose a little weight, but end up just looking like a weak and sickly smaller version of themselves with soft and mushy muscles... with our program you will look FIT and HEALTHY. (In fact, you're gonna look so fit people will think you've been working and eating good out for years.)
Be MUCH more attractive - It's no secret, a lean and toned body is considered by most people to be EXTREMELY ATTRACTIVE and appealing. (You're gonna get a lot more attention... whether you want it or not... In fact, many of our clients rave about how much their sex life and social life has improved since they joined our program.)

Here's how high quality personal training compares to other fat loss options, like working out on your own, relying on pills and supplements or joining a weight loss clinic:

Here's how the Positively Fit Advantage Program stacks up against other personal training programs:
Positively Fit Advantage Program Other Personal Training Programs

Program specifically created to help people with "average" or "less than average" genetics get into incredible shape, so you can look like you've been working out for years, even if you have bad genes and haven't touched a dumbbell in your life
Since most trainers have good genetics and have been in shape their entire lives their programs are designed for other people with good genetics who have been in shape for THEIR entire lives. This kind of program DOES NOT work for the average person

Fast weight loss AND you keep it off - In fact, when you follow our simple program you're gonna lose fat at such a rapid rate your friends are gonna be DYING to know your secret

Slow to moderate weight loss and the fat typically comes right back within a few months because the trainer doesn't help the client develop new habits

We make sure you use correct form to improve your posture, minimize injury and maximize results

You'll perform the same 9 to 11 basic exercises the trainer learned in a 2-day certification class

Certified by real organizations like 'The National Academy of Sports Medicine' and 'The American Council on Exercise'

Certified in a two day class put on by a corporate gym about how to upsell the clients on overpriced nutritional supplements

We do this as a career because we love helping people get into incredible shape... it's our purpose in life and we're damned good at it... just check out the results our clients get (can be seen by scrolling a little further down the page)

Push you and motivate you to get the maximum muscle-toning fat-melting effect from EVERY SINGLE workout

They'll count your repetitions (meaning they'll tell you how many times you lifted the weight) and stand around being your "buddy"

“ I am in better shape than I've ever been in my life... worth far more than what it costs...”

"When I first contacted Positively Fit five and a half months ago I was concerned about the cost of personal trainers, I just wasn't sure if it would be worth the money. Well I can happily say it's worth every penny and then some! In fact, after seeing and feeling the results I truly believe it's worth far more than what it costs! There has never been a workout with Positively Fit that I walked away thinking I didn't get what I had paid for. I am now in better shape than I've ever been in my life and I feel absolutely amazing!" *

"I've been working out my entire life but I've never been able to get rid of my gut, no matter how hard I tried... I felt like I was one big fat clogged artery. Because of Positively Fit I've lost 33lbs, going from 183lbs. down to 150lbs. in less than four months. People I've known for years don't even recognize me now. Now I feel like a clean vessel... I have NEVER felt this way in my life... I now have 10 times more energy, self esteem and confidence... and women are noticing me left and right... I LOVE all the positive attention." *

"At first I was skeptical because I've had friends hire other personal trainers and get very little results. Well let me tell you, with Positively Fit I lost 37lbs., going from a pudgy 156lbs. down to a lean and toned 119lbs. practically overnight. I lost so many inches I had to go buy all new clothes... now THAT'S what I call a quality problem. What's really cool is three weeks ago I ran into my cousin and at the mall and she didn't even recognize me, MY OWN COUSIN DIDN'T RECOGNIZE ME!!!
I am finally happy with my butt and stomach and feel sexy in just about anything I wear now; I can even wear a bikini down to Newport Beach and look just as good as any girl on the sand. Many of my friends have told me they're jealous of my new body. If you're looking for a personal training program in Orange County definitely check out Positively Fit. Over the course of working out with them I was constantly amazed by the results that not only I was getting, but the results that all of their other clients were getting as well. It's almost like people walk in and a few months later they're a whole new person. My life and body is forever changed and it's so wonderful to feel healthy and look sexy!" *

Now I think it's only fair to tell you...
If you want a personal trainer who will babysit you, hand you the weights, carry around your towel and wipe the sweat off your forehead, then we are NOT the personal training service for you...
If you are looking for a personal trainer who will spend half the workout checking himself out in the mirror, then we are NOT the service for you.
If you want to be trained by some kid who just applied for a job at a gym as a personal trainer so he could meet chicks, then we are DEFINITELY NOT the personal training service for you.

We are not here to pamper you.
We are not here to be your therapist. Even though we'll help you recondition your mind so you can get the body you want, we're not here to tell you what do about your personal problems. We are here to do one thing, make you look amazing.
We are not know-it-all's - we do know how to get you the body you want, but we don't claim to know everything. If we don't have an answer to one of your questions we'll find it.
We are not here to get you big and bulky - we won't turn you into a bodybuilder, it's just not our thing. If that's what you're looking for there are plenty of other personal training services around who can help you do just that.
We are not a rep counting service - meaning we won't just stand around and count how many times you perform an exercise - In fact, we're gonna give you every ounce of energy we have in us to make sure you rise up and GET RESULTS.
We are not for people who like to complain.
We are not here to hold you captive for an hour while we go on and on about our personal lives.
We are not going to put you on some piece of cardio equipment for an hour and call it a workout - you can do that stuff on your own for free.
We are not the absolute lowest priced service around (our strong point is results, not rock bottom rates).
We are not going to just stand around holding a clip board and a stop watch - we're going to do everything within our power to get you into shape.
We are not arrogant egotistical steroid freaks walking around like we're God's gift to the world.
We are not here for people who want a personal trainer for the "status" it gives them. We train people who are looking for SERIOUS RESULTS, not just looking to boost their self image by telling their friends they "have a trainer".

Not that there's anything wrong with those things... that's just not what we do... getting you into killer shape FAST is what WE do.
One thing you should know before you contact us is that since we're a high quality service and we get you results our prices aren't the lowest in town...
But when it comes to your body, is the "lowest price in town" what you're looking for? When you have a serious ailment and you go to the doctor are you looking for "cheap" or are you looking for the cure? When it comes to your health, happiness and the way you look, are you looking to skimp or are you looking for RESULTS?
The truth is, if you're looking for a low-end service and you'll settle for low-end results then we're not for you...
Please understand, we'll ONLY care about your health and happiness if YOU care about those things yourself. If you don't, please don't waste our time or yours.
HOWEVER, if you DO value your health and the way you look, here's what we can do... Call us at 800-310-5062 and apply for a trial workout at absolutely NO COST and NO RISK to you. This way you can "test drive" our program on the house.
We offer this trial workout for two reasons...
One, it allows you to make an informed decision as to whether or not you feel we are the right personal training service for you.
And secondly, it allows us to see whether or not you're willing to do what it takes to get into phenomenal shape.
I should warn you though... we don't take just anybody... we'll ONLY accept "doers" into our program.

You see, our clients represent us, they're like our walking talking billboards... and if they don't look good, we don't look good... We simply can't allow our reputation to be tarnished by people who aren't willing to do what it takes to get into shape...
What does it take to get into shape?

Here's what you need to do to right now - Call 800-310-5062 to inquire about coming in for a trial workout at absolutely NO RISK and NO COST to you. We'll spend a few minutes on the phone with you to see if you're a good fit for our program.
If you are a good fit, and you'd like to try us out on the house, we'll schedule an appointment for you at whichever one of our several Orange County locations works best. When you come in for the workout there'll be ZERO obligation on your part to start our program. If you don't like the workout, you won't pay a dime... guaranteed.
However, I think it's only fair to tell you that our prices are about to go up... You see, our phone has been ringing off the hook because off all the incredible results we've been getting for our clients... and for us to continue to give the high quality workouts we do and continue to get these kinds of results, there are only so many clients we can have at any one time
Luckily for you though, our policy is that whatever price you START at is the price you STAY at... so I would try to get 'locked' in now because the longer you wait the more expensive it'll be... (and that's assuming down the road we'll even have room to take you... we're almost at full capacity now, so I would DEFINITELY call right away.)
At last count we had room for 9 more people, but my assistant Amanda came in about five minutes ago and told me that two more people joined this morning... so we currently only have room for 7 more people before we raise our prices... after that our program will cost substantially more to join.
Bottom Line...The sooner you call us the lower your cost will be.

Here's the number to call -

Call 800-310-5062

(Sometimes we're all busy training clients and we have to let our receptionist answer the call, if this happens what she'll do is schedule a short phone appointment for you with one of our fitness experts, it's that easy.)

If you're still not convinced that my program is worth checking out I completely understand... I mean, let's face it... there are tons of trainers who "claim" to produce results. Results are what really count, right?

In fact, for me I want to see REAL PROOF...
And that's why I'm going to show you just a handful of the real-life results my team is getting with this breakthrough training program. (However, I must warn you because of these remarkable results we have less time than ever and may not even be able to take you on as a client... as of right now, we have seven slots left but they won't last long.)

"Because of working out with Positively Fit Personal Training I've lost fat everywhere on my body! To date I've lost 41 pounds and 12 3/4 inches!" *

"The holistic combination of personal training along with good eating has helped me loose 48 lbs of fat. I've also gained muscle, strengthened my lower back and above all I've gained confidence in my appearance." *

Watch this case study to see how Darshan Gandhi from Irvine lost 35 pounds in the first four and a half months of training while building muscle tone at the same time:

Thank you SO much for accepting me into your program. Everyday, I work 8 hours in an IT department and was always too busy to work out. One day, I looked in the mirror and I didn't like what I saw. I called Positively Fit in December 2006, they asked me what my goal was and to always picture it during training. Because of them six months later I crossed the finish line at my first triathlon in 1 hr 16 minutes and 48 seconds.
I've also gone from wearing a size 36 down to a size 32, my body fat has gone from 24% down to 14% and I've lost 25 pounds going from 195 all the way down to 170! The Positively Fit Personal Training Program has made me strong physically and mentally. And what's really great is it only took a few hours a week. These guys are hands down the best personal trainers in Orange County and have changed me from a low self-esteem geek to a positive and prosperous athlete!" *

“You'll step up to levels of physical performance you never thought you could achieve... ”
"The Positively Fit training techniques and philosophies will help anyone rise to the top of their game. If you're looking for a serious personal training service to give you clear cut instruction and show you how to maximize every second spent in the gym while really pushing you to be the best you can be then try out Positively Fit Personal Training. You'll step up to levels of physical performance you never thought you could achieve." *
Ryan Hagy aka "Fluffer"

"I just want to thank Positively Fit for allowing me to join their program and for the incredible weight loss results they have given me. I've lost 21 lbs. of fat, going from a size 13 to a size 9; I feel a dramatic change in my energy level and have firmed the muscles all over my body. In fact, I have to shop for new clothes now because my current ones keep getting baggier and baggier. I've even had a couple of good friends of mine tell me they're envious of my new figure - what a great feeling!!!" *

“I am blown away by the results...”
"Thank you for accepting me as a client and helping me shed those last few stubborn pounds I had from giving birth to my son. I have tried other personal trainers before and got no results, but with your program I keep getting leaner and more toned everyday. We can all thank you for my new body after the baby. I always enjoy the workouts and can't wait until the next one." *

“Lost those 5 stubborn pounds... ”
"Since I started training with Positively Fit Personal Training I see lots of brand new muscle definition and have lost those 5 stubborn pounds. I don't like to diet so working out with Positively Fit keeps me looking fit while still being able to eat the foods I enjoy, and the quantities I enjoy. Plus they make the workouts fun" *

“I've put on over 14 pounds of muscle, lost over 31lbs of fat and have kept if off for years now... ”
"Having a personal trainer is like having a personal coach, motivator and health advisor all in one. There are hundreds of personal trainers in Orange County yet NONE are like Positively Fit. You see, they take their profession VERY seriously without being too serious if you know what I mean. The workouts are always enjoyable. They take the time to understand your individual training needs and overall fitness goals. They are friendly and sincere in their approach. In fact, I have been training with Positively Fit for 5 years and they have always been upbeat, non intimidating and attentive to ALL of their clients. They keep you motivated and accountable and you'll achieve results far better than if you were to workout on your own. I've put on over 14 pounds of muscle, lost over 31lbs of fat and have kept if off for years now. I couldn't have done it without them. " *

“I've lost a total of 23.5lbs and I lost 3 inches from my waist... ”
"I want you to know how much you've done for me! You helped me reach a point in my life where I actually feel really great about myself. My confidence is maxed out and I really love myself now! In the 3 months I trained with you I've lost a total of 23.5lbs and I lost 3 inches from my waist. I'm actually fitting into clothes I haven't fit into since high school. (I just couldn't throw them I don't have to)" *

“I lost another 5lbs... ”
"Chris, thank you for taking me on as a client. I lost another 5lbs! Thank you! I love butt hurts.....your training is mind-blowing. It's only been a few weeks and people are already saying something about my body!!!" *

“I've lost 43 lbs... ”
"Because of Positively Fit Personal Training I've lost 43 lbs., improved my posture, and lowered my blood pressure and cholesterol. The training has improved my attitude and given me an overall sense of well being. There is nothing better to put you in a great mood than a Positively Fit workout. It's euphoric!" *

“Thank you for my six pack... ”
"I've worked with a few personal fitness trainers and various body building programs over the past few years and I have to say, without a doubt, Positively Fit is the best there is. I've worked out religiously on my own, since I was 21 and was in pretty good shape when I first started with Chris. In the past 3 months I've seen amazing results and made more progress than the last three years put together. I'm stoked at my physique now and I think this is the best I've looked in my life. Every routine is different and I never get bored. I only train with him twice a week but I constantly feel the "post workout" burn that I love.
Chris knows so much about the human physique and body mechanics as well as the nutrition programs it takes in order to get the maximum results. His positive attitude makes him such an awesome person to be around and he always pushes me to my limits and beyond. To be honest, the gym is a little out of the way for me when coming from work but I don't care because I'm so amazed at my results and how I look now. I'm so grateful to you Chris for helping to make such an improvement not only in my body but in my self-esteem as well. Thank you for my six pack!!!" *

“Now I have SO much more confidence in a bikini...”
"Before I began the training I was going to the gym and taking kickboxing classes, but hadn't seen any results in months. After my first workout with Positively Fit I felt so good and knew I was getting the workout I needed! I had already been working out consistently for a while, but I have not been that sore after a workout in I don't know how long. I actually enjoy going to our workouts because it doesn't feel like a chore. The trainers are very positive and push me to my limit. I actually can do pushups now, and not the girl kind!!! I'm looking better, I feel strong, and now I have SO much more confidence in a bikini." *

“I've lost 43lbs. of fat...”
"I would not look and feel the way I do today if I hadn't worked out with you. My life has improved both physically and mentally. I am happy to say that because of Positively Fit Personal Training I've lost 43lbs. of fat and added 19lbs. of muscle, going from an unshapely 261lbs. to a strong 237lbs., which for being 6'6" is pretty damn good!!!" *

"Positively Fit, I just wanted to let you know you have changed my life forever. I know when people say that, it sounds dramatic, but the effects I have experienced HAVE been dramatic.
Training with you and being around all the good energy has totally reversed a lifetime of the family tradition of negativity, has encouraged me to open my mind to possibilities and has taught me that the only thing holding me back in the world is me. I now take pride in my body. I have eliminated the negative and now focus on the positive. I now look forward to every day and welcome every challenge. The world is my oyster now and I want you to know that your training and refreshing attitude has been the catalyst for everything that has happened. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." *

“I've lost a size and a half in 2 months... ”
"I have always been really active; spin classes 4 times a week intermixed with fitness boot camp weightlifting classes, jogging 2-3 miles daily, sit ups, push ups and trying to maintain a fairly decent diet. But it wasn't until I found Positively Fit that I was able to get body I've always wanted. I've lost a size and a half in 2 months, I'm leaner and more toned and feeling a lot better about myself. It also helps when I get so many compliments on a daily basis such as, 'hey you work out a lot huh?' and 'your trainer is paying off, you look amazing' and 'what's your secret?' and 'I am so jealous - I wish I looked like you' - It feels SO great!
They don't just train like "normal" personal fitness trainers either. The workouts are different daily and its high energy all the time. It's a mixture of cardio, weights, positive energy, laughing, and pure sweat and endurance. I really look forward to the days I get to train. If I was looking for someone to just give my money away to and "say" I have a trainer I'd just join a large corporate gym like everyone else. I wanted to look and feel different and have an understanding with my trainer, accountability and accuracy. Positively Fit has exceeded my expectations across the board." *

“I'm actually proud of my body for once... ”
"Chris, I have NEVER been in this kind of shape in my life. Thanks to you I'm actually proud of my body for once!" *

“I've lost fat, gained muscle, look and feel younger and have a completely new positive attitude... ”
"Approaching 50 years old, I was naturally getting concerned about what kind of 'quality of life' my two young sons (a 2 and 8 year old) could expect from a dad as they grew up. I was not obese but certainly had extra pounds and a low fitness level. When I was introduced to you I was skeptical. I had belonged to a big mega-gym for 8 years and had barely been there in the last 4. It always seemed too artificial and impersonal. Right from the first session with you my opinion personal trainers changed...
I can honestly say Chris has turned my life around completely. I've lost fat, gained muscle, look and feel younger and have a completely new positive attitude. I am now healthy and can keep up with my boys.
You are my hero, I just wish I had found you years ago. In years to come, when my boys have grown up and I become a grandpa (and a great-grandpa), I will tell them that the only reason I'm here to enjoy it is because of Chris - my renegade trainer." *

"I no longer have a muffin top... "
"Positively Fit you are truly the masters! Working out with you is the hardest and best thing my body has ever done! Because of you, I no longer have a muffin top!!! That makes you my heroes! Thanks to your amazing ab workouts and killer squats, I'm finally getting a six pack as well as a rockin' ass! I love you forever!!!!!!" *

“Dropped 23 pounds of fat and gained 11 pounds of muscle... ”
"I've belonged to every health club known to man but rarely went to any of them; I just never seemed to be able to commit to a regimen before. Since I started working with the personal trainers at Positively Fit 10 months ago I have consistently enjoyed showing up to my weekly sessions.
The trainers keep me motivated and entertained during each workout, plus they change the routines up and keep things interesting while still working every muscle group. The results have been nothing short of awesome. My strength and my endurance have both improved dramatically. When I started I was able 4 pushups and now I am up to 51. I've also dropped 23 pounds of fat and have gained 11 pounds of muscle. Every area on my body is really shaping up and I am extremely happy with the results. " *

“No longer feel like the fat person at the pool...”
"Peter and I are getting married in July and we wanted to get in shape for our wedding. At first Peter was a little hesitant because we had personal trainers in the past but saw little results. We used to get intimidated by the gym so it was important to us that we find a trainer who would make us feel comfortable. Chris is very positive and uplifting and made us feel right at home. His positive energy & enthusiasm is contagious. The most satisfying part of working out with Chris is that you instantly see results. My posture has improved tremendously and I can see definition in my arms, butt and legs. Peter's face is thinner, his arms and chest are a lot more toned and he can now wear his old belts that he hasn't been able to wear in over a year.
This has been a real confidence booster. We no longer feel like the fat people at the pool and it feels really good to be happy with your body. We love that we can work out as a couple or in groups. This has been really fun because we are able to motivate each other and support each other to reach our weight loss goals. We no longer look at exercising as a chore or something painful and dreadful... the workouts are fun and we look forward to every single one." *
Peter and Erica Lama

“Thanks for this rockin' bikini body... ”
"I love the way you constantly switch the exercises up so it's aerobic, fast paced and totally enjoyable. It's never boring and there's no sitting around! I definitely would have quit working out if I didn't have you there to keep me on track. Thanks for this rockin' bikini body!" *

"Thank you for accepting me into your "Advantage" program and helping me lose all of my extra fat. I personally felt so empowered by you and your workouts, because I knew you had achieved a significant weight loss and fitness goals similar to my own. You challenged me and inherently knew what I was capable of at each session. I never felt like it was too much, too soon. Your generous spirit and serious drive is addicting and that's why you are so good at what you do! I loved how you always changed it up and never made it boring. You are the most motivating person I've ever met, it's infectious! You have truly found your calling!" *

Yes! I want to shed my unwanted body fat (So I can feel GREAT about my body when I look in the mirror!)
Yes! I want to achieve a toned and fit look
Yes! I want to define the muscles in my arms, stomach and legs (So I can look my absolute best wherever I go and be the envy of my friends.)
Yes! I want to strengthen and condition my entire body
Yes! I want to be more athletic (So I can take pride in my body and in myself.)
Yes! I want highly effective workouts - workouts that are high energy and get me into shape as FAST as possible
Yes! I want to have more energy (I want to be on top of my game all day long.)
Yes! I want to enjoy the feeling of seeing my body constantly improving (I'm excited to see the positive changes come on a consistent basis.)
Yes! I want to work with trainers who are master motivators - trainers who will safely push me harder than I would push myself, giving me the right type of workout for my goals while keeping my exercise form in perfect check
Yes! I want to be healthy (I want to feel like million bucks!)
Yes! I want to learn and perform the two most dramatic-fat-melting-muscle-building-bang-for-your-buck-exercises around. (Psssssst...If you could only do two exercises these are the two, hands down. Learning these two exercises and doing them the right way will force you to drop fat at a rapid rate.)
Yes! I want to learn what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat it. I know this will help the fat fall right off of my body
Yes! I want to be a fat burning machine - I want to fire up my metabolism BIG TIME which is going to help me burn fat as fast a possible (I can't wait to see all this fat literally MELT away!)
Yes! I want to be held accountable to my workouts, and by being accountable I understand I WILL GET RESULTS
Yes! I want to get constant compliments from my friends (I can't wait for everyone I know to tell me how great I look!)
Yes! I want to get into incredible shape right now and understand there is absolutely NO RISK and NO COST to try out your program. I will call 800-310-5062 right now to apply for a trial workout... I can't wait to get started!

At this moment in your life you stand at a crossroads...
You can leave this website and continue living exactly how you have been... getting the exact same kinds of results. You can stay in the exact same shape you're in right now (or maybe even get worse)... and you can continue putting off a better body and a better life until a tomorrow that may never come...
OR you can call us today at 800-310-5062 and lose your fat, tone your muscle and live the kind of life you deserve... a life where you look as fit and attractive as possible... where you feel healthy and full of energy... where you turn heads when you walk into a room and are the envy of your friends...
You're an intelligent person and I trust you'll make the right decision.

P.S. - Remember, we fuse cutting edge science with "old-school" hardcore exercise techniques that are fun and deliver unsurpassable results for people with "average" or "less than average" genetics. When it comes to being out of shape, I've been there, so we take a radically more effective approach than the "can't relate" trainers who've ALWAYS been in good shape and think that what works for them must work for everyone.
P.P.S - We'll tone up your entire body. As you can see from all the success stories we've helped countless people get the body they want and can do the same for you. Once you start training with us you're going to be absolutely hooked... in fact, you may never want to go home. Call your friends and family and tell them about the strange "workout cult" you've joined.
P.P.P.S. - What you need to do right now is call (800) 310-5062 and apply for a trial workout. We'll spend a few minutes on the phone with you to see if you're a good fit for what we do. There is absolutely NO COST, NO RISK and NO OBLIGATION on your part to start the program... if you don't like the trial workout, you never pay a dime... guaranteed. But remember, because of all the remarkable results we've been getting for our clients the demand for our services has grown so high that we only have 7 slots left before our prices go up, and those spots are gonna fill up quickly... so be sure to call right now.

Please Call 800-310-5062 to Find The Location Nearest You!
Positively Fit Personal Training has in home personal trainers, a boot camp, health clubs, body building programs and weight loss programs servicing all of Orange County including Irvine, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar, Tustin, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Anaheim, Fullerton, Santa Ana, Lake Forest, Laguna Hills, Rancho Santa Margarita, Ladera Ranch, Foothill Ranch, Aliso Viejo, Mission Viejo, Laguna Beach, Capo Beach, Dana Point, Long Beach, Placentia, Brea, Anaheim Hills, Yorba Linda, Laguna Niguel, Seal Beach, Westminster and San Clemente.


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