San Diego Criminal Law, Contract Litigation, and Sports Representation
The Law Offices of Randy M. Grossman concentrate in the areas of Criminal Law and Criminal Defense, Contract Litigation, and Sports Representation. Serving the greater San Diego area, attorney Randy Grossman is a fierce advocate of his client's rights. In each case he handles, Mr. Grossman works hard to reach the best possible result. In addition to serving as a law professor, Mr. Grossman has a proven track record of more than 15 years, representing both individuals and businesses in criminal law matters, as well as civil law matters. He is a respected trial attorney, and is known for his determination and the positive results he obtains for each of his clients.
Why a Criminal Law Attorney is Essential
If you have been accused of any sort of crime, whether that crime involves DUI / DWI, murder or homicide, sex crimes or sexual assault, domestic violence, mail fraud or wire fraud, embezzlement, or breach of contract, you need the legal services of Randy Grossman. A skilled legal professional, he will assist you through your case whether it goes to trial or not. Should you have any questions or concerns about your legal matter as the case proceeds, Mr. Grossman will address each of those concerns as they arise and ensure that you understand your legal options every step of the way.
About Our Criminal Law Offices
Our law offices are conveniently located in Kearny Mesa, with easy access and free parking. Mr. Grossman represents clients in cases throughout San Diego County, in both state court and federal court. Mr. Grossman also travels to other jurisdictions to represent clients upon request. Whether your dispute involves a criminal law matter, contract law matter, or sports representation matter, we encourage you to contact our law firm to discuss your case.
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