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Lmc Theatrical Management Co
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1. Ultimately you must be conscious that you are seeking to do something that is much greater than yourselfby yourself.
Address961 Washington Blvd Roseville, CA 95678-1482
Phone(916) 782-2777
LMC Exclusive: Madu & Skeemz of LMC Interview with CEO Steve Raze

Heres some advice that can help take your game up a level or two. These are very important guidelines that should keep you moving forward towards success!
1. Ultimately you must be conscious that you are seeking to do something that is much greater than yourselfby yourself. With this in mind, please surround yourself with the best energy and then the best people you can find – to help you reach your goals and dreams of being successful. My advice is to begin with God ALWAYS keeping Him first! Then get a great team of people around you to help you out. For the most part, You must have enough faith to “march” what you believe you can accomplish. Youshould neverleisurely walk towards a goal. You must alsorealize thatbelieving in yourself, without doing for yourselfis lifeless!”
2. Learn as much as you can about the music industry. Seek out the help of insiders and key players to help you along. Market what you know andknow your market. This means that you should never advertise that youre an idiot. Always be aware that knowledge is POWER!So if youfail to prepare, you may be preparing to fail! Learn that being successful is about what you know, who you know, and understanding how & when to apply it all.
3. Make sure that every single one of your presentations is as tight as possible. This means that you should get a professional package made up for yourself. Bad presentations hurt more than most artists, producers, songwriters, managers and Indie labels realize and the 2nd time around may never come. Remember the rule about 1st impressions.
4. Always have an Entertainment Attorney check over any contract(s) before signing. Dont let anyone rush you into committing to anything before seeking out wise counsel especially when making crucial decisions.
5. Seek to build a very, very strong fan base doing live shows. And you should be performing as much as possible. Definitely do not limit yourself to just the clubs. Do High Schools, Colleges, City & County Events and Private Parties too. Believe it or not, The Indie Label BME Recordings (Lil Jon & The Eastside Boys, Lil Scrappy, etc.) got jump-started by doing House Party Promotions and Events. All of these performing opportunities will help to get your name and company out to the community. And if your show is tight you never know who might be there and listening.
6. Once you get your live show happening, then its time to take your CD production and marketing quality up a notch. So when you get an established and solid work schedule spend the time, effort and extra money to invest in making your CD and promotional materials the absolute best they can be.
7. Seriously consider hiring a Professional Media Consultant, a Marketing Team and/or Publicist. These professionals will help get you the exposure you want and need. You must also make the most of the Internet as much as possible to expose and create a sense of legitimacy online. People these days want to look on the web for information about any and everything. So make sure you have a good and positive Web presence. This is very important!
8. Always have your CD ready for sale (or as a promo giveaway) at all of your live performances or any music networking events – like artist showcases or any Music Community or Industry Trade shows.
9. For the Indie artists and labels – If you live in one of the Major Cities, dont limit your marketing to that one city. Get out to all of the smaller markets (cities & states) around that region. Many, many new (and established) artists and companies build a very strong fan base in the smaller markets with more support and luv than in their own hometowns. So make sure you do live performances and big-time promote your music, products, etc. to the smaller markets around the major areas.
10. Never send unsolicited packages or music to industry people, companies or radio stationsperiod! Always contact them (call …or write) for approval and someone to be on the look out for your hard work and efforts you have put into your package. If you are a new artist – this also means that you should not just show up at a company or radio station and then think they will be open to greeting you with open arms. If you dont have a big name or some type of relationship with the place you are visiting, dont just pop up without any warning. Most Industry people, labels and radio stations are busy.
11. Go to as many of the Music Seminars, trade shows, networking events, DJ Pool meetings and Music Industry conferences, as your time (and sometimes your budget) will allow. You will often meet many of the people who can very much help you, along with gaining more knowledge about how the music business side works. (Oh, and always have a copy of the Music Powers Book with youLOL!J)
12. Even if youve got talent and skills, you better know that The Powers That Be able to help you – have to want to help you. This probably means that you have the energy, heart, know-how and sense of focus (and business) that will allow them to risk giving you a shot. You really will need them to like you, and like working with and for you too. I know of many artists, producers and managers that have played themselves, and dealt themselves out of the music game simply because no one wants to deal with their attitudes or the way they handle their opportunities. Attitude & Altitude go hand in hand.
13. Once you get a grip on the music business basics, some promotion, a little marketing, your team of players you will need and industry networking (making friends), dont forget that ultimately – it is your music and yourself that will need to represent you the most (to the fans and public).
14. Whenever possible get your money, or at least some of it – up front and still seek a residual or back-end payment!
15. When its time to pay your bills, sign your own checks!

LMC EXCLUSIVE:Hip Hop Legend Jaz O & Producer Louie Skeemz @Core DJ Conference Atlanta 2010 & “Here We Go” JAZ O *CLUB BANGER* Listen and Download

In a development that could change the battle against AIDS, researchers have found that taking a daily antiretroviral pill greatly lowers the chances of getting infected with the virus.
In the study, published Tuesday by the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers found that the hundreds of gay men randomly assigned to take the drugs were 44 percent less likely to get infected than the equal number assigned to take a placebo.
But when only the men whose blood tests showed they had taken their pill faithfully every day were considered, the pill was more than 90 percent effective, said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, head of the division of the National Institutes of Health, which paid for the study along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Thats huge, Dr. Fauci said. That says it all for me.
The large study, nicknamed iPrEx, included nearly 2,500 men in six countries and was coordinated by the Gladstone Institutes of the University of California, San Francisco.
The results are the best news in the AIDS field in years, even better than this summers revelation that a vaginal microbicide protected 39 percent of all the women testing it and 54 percent of those who used it faithfully.
Also, the antiretroviral pill Truvada, a combination of two drugs, tenofovir and emtricitabine is available by prescription in many countries right now, while the microbicide gel is made only in small amounts for clinical trials.
The protection, known as pre-exposure prophylaxis or PreP, is also the first new form available to men, especially men who cannot use condoms because they sell sex, are in danger of prison rape, are under pressure from partners or lose their inhibitions when drunk or high.
It is a form of protection that does not involve getting permission from the other partner, and thats important, said Phill Wilson, president of the Black AIDS Institute, which focuses on the epidemic among blacks.
Michel Sidib, the head of UNAIDS, the United Nations AIDS-fighting agency, called it a breakthrough that will accelerate the prevention revolution.
Because Truvada is available now, some clinicians already prescribe it for prophylaxis, Dr. Fauci said, but whether doing so becomes official policy will depend on discussions by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration, medical societies and others, which could take months.
Although the C.D.C. would prefer that doctors wait for further studies, more probably will prescribe it now that this study is out, said Dr. Kevin Fenton, chief of the agencys AIDS division, so the C.D.C. will soon release suggested guidelines.
The agency will encourage that the drug be prescribed only with close medical supervision and used only with other safe-sex practices, treatment for venereal diseases and counseling.
The results are encouraging, but its not time for gay men to throw away their condoms, Dr. Fenton said.
AIDS advocacy groups were very excited by the results.
If you comply with it, this works really well, said Chris Collins, policy director of amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research. This is too big to walk away from.
Mitchell Warren, executive director of AVAC, which lobbies for AIDS prevention, called the study a great day for the fight against AIDS and said gay men and others at risk needed to be consulted on the next steps.
AIDS experts and the researchers issued several caveats about the studys limitations.
It was only of gay men and only of one drug combination. More studies, now under way, are needed to see if they duplicate these results and to see whether Truvada also protects heterosexual men and women, prostitutes and drug users who share needles, and whether other drugs will work, too.
There is no medical reason to think the pill would not work in everyone, since it attacks the virus in the blood, rather than in the vaginal wall as a microbicide does.
Different regimens, like taking the pills only when sex is anticipated instead of daily, also need testing.
Also, many men in the study failed to take all their pills, and some clearly lied about it. For example, some who claimed to take them 90 percent of the time had little or no drug in their bloodstreams.
Although the pills caused no major side effects in the study, some men disliked the relatively minor ones, like nausea and headaches. Also, as is common in clinical trials, some stopped bothering once they suspected they might be taking a placebo.
People have their own reasons, Mr. Collins said. People dont take their Lipitor every day either.
A major question now is who will pay for the drug.
In the United States, Truvada, made by Gilead Sciences, costs $12,000 to $14,000 a year. In very poor countries, generic versions costs as little as 40 cents a pill.
Globally, only about 5 million of the 33 million people with AIDS are on antiretrovirals, and, in an era of tight foreign-aid budgets, that number is not expected to rise quickly.
Hundreds of millions of Africans, eastern Europeans and Asians are at risk and could benefit from prophylaxis, but that would cost tens of billions of dollars.
If he had the money, Mr. Sidib of UNAIDS said, he would target high-risk groups like sex workers, gay men, drug users and uninfected people married to infected people.
In this country, insurers and Medicare normally pay for the drugs, and the Ryan White Act covers the cost for the poor but none of these payers yet have policies on supplying the drugs to healthy people.
One fear some scientists have is that putting more people on the drugs will speed the evolution of drug-resistant strains.
None of the 2,499 participants developed resistance to tenofovir. Three were found to have strains resistant to emtricitabine, but investigators believe all three were infected before the study began, but at levels low enough to have been missed by their first H.I.V. tests.
Because participants were tested monthly and those who got infected were put on triple therapy cocktails, it was unlikely any were on two-drug Truvada long enough to develop drug resistant strains.
Another fear was that the participants would become so fearless that they would stop using condoms, but the opposite effect was seen they used condoms more often and had fewer sex partners. But that can also be a function of simply being enrolled in a study and getting a steady diet of safe sex advice and free condoms, the investigators said.
The study took place at 11 sites in the United States, South Africa, Brazil, Thailand, Ecuador and Peru. Other trials of pre-exposure prophylaxis have about 20,000 volunteers enrolled around the world. Their results are expected to arrive in a steady stream over the next two years.

LMC EXCLUSIVE: “Thats My Bit*h” Kanye West & Jay Z Produced by Q-Tip

Exclusive Leak:”Welcome to the World” T.I.,Kanye West,Kid Cudi off “No Mercy”

New Music: “Start it Up” Lloyd Banks,Kanye West,Fabolous,Swizz Beatz,Ryan Leslie

Listen to “Start it Up” by Lloyd Banks,Kanye West,Fabolous,Swizz Beatz,Ryan Leslie

In Case you dont know a few days ago Funkmaster Flex, was on stage and said “F*** 2 Pac!!” The Outlawz were the group 2Pac took under his wing and was also in lyrikal war with Biggie Smalls on the record “Hit em Up” with 2pac, So the Outlawz are not unfamiliar with diss records and of course they are gonna ride for the big homie 2Pac R.I.P.
Listen to “Warning Shots” by Outlawz (Funkmaster Flex Diss)

@ruinthemovement I heard that's sounds like I'm missing out 7 hours ago
RT @GLCTHEISM: Scarface is 1 of the coldest to ever do this rap shit!Yurrr 7 hours ago
@ruinthemovement what's wangin over there! 8 hours ago
@vsmgllc also check out the 8 hours ago
@vsmgllc what's good fam! I'm in the A we gotta link!! 8 hours ago
RT @luGeeZ87: Long day! Back down tho! #FOLLOW ... 8 hours ago
R.I.P @djpeachez you may be gone but def not forgotten a true VA DJ! 8 hours ago
RT @AlLindstrom: RT @1nationchris: RT @thecoredjs: My baby girl of the Core DJ's passed away on Nov 25th of last ... 8 hours ago


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