The Pain Management Specialists are dedicated to providing the highest level of service and care to our patients in the treatment and management of acute and chronic pain.
We are a full-service pain management center where skilled physicians are supported by full-time operating room nurses and radiology technicians.
Our staff utilize the most advanced diagnostic and pain relief procedures, including state-of-the-art fluoroscopy equipment.
Why Choose the Pain Management Specialists?
There are a variety of reasons why patients are referred to or seek out a physician specializing in pain management:
The specialist can help pinpoint the underlying source of the pain, with the goal of eliminating the pain altogether.
The specialist can provide effective pain relief utilizing a variety of proven treatments.
The Pain Management Specialists is pleased to offer its clients
an alternative to traditional western pain management method-
ologies. Acupuncture is an ancient practice in which very fine
needles are inserted into the skin at strategic points on the body
to relieve pain and treat disease.
releases endorphins and opioids,
the body’s natural painkillers,
as well as neuro-transmitters and