God's call and our mission as God's people is to awaken, encourage, and enable believers to testify by word and deed to the hope and faith that are within us by sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We welcome our new Music Director, Patrick Lindley.
We are thrilled that we have a very talented, caring, and committed Music Director for the future. His name is Patrick Lindley. He has 25 years experience as a music director, organist, pianist, baritone soloist, composer, improviser, and educator. He is well versed in classical and sacred music, as well as contemporary and jazz. He has played the harpsichord, piano and organ in recital throughout the U.S. and Europe. Patrick studied at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, earning a Bachelors Degree in Harpsichord, and Masters Degree in Musicology with a minor in organ.
He is presently the Principal Musician for the Dance and Theater departments at UCSB. He is a life-long student of J.S. Bach. He will be playing the organ, working with the Praise Team, and Handbell Choir in this part-time position
Our focus this month is: PRAYER STYLES and PRAYING FOR THE LOST
In Prayer Styles we learn that God created each of us with certain gifts, talents and strengths. These can help us pray in a certain way. "There are different ways God works in our lives, but the same God who does the work through all of us" I Cor. 12:6 (NLT). That's one reason why people can pray differently - we all have different prayer styles. In our lessons Praying for the Lost we learn in I Timothy 2:1-4 that we are urged to pray for everyone. Who are the lost? Those who do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior of their lives. God wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. As we pray for the lost, it helps to know what keeps people from Jesus:
+ Satan blinds their minds so they think they don't need a Savior
+ Their hearts are hard like unplowed ground
+ They don't know that they need to repent and accept the truth in God's Word
+ They don't know that Jesus is the ONLY way
+ There is no one to tell them
Please pray for our children that they will develop stronger prayer lives in this year-long series. Pray that they and their families will grow in God's grace. Pray for our staff as they faithfully share God's love with the children each Sunday.
Glimmer of Hope Blind Ministry Program: meets at Emanuel the fourth Saturday of each month for a luncheon and a social-fellowship event.
Bell Choir begins on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. We've got another great year of music and fellowship planned.
Handbells: Practice on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. See Patrick Lindley if you are interested in joining this group.
Submit your favorite hymn in the box in the narthex. We try to incorporate these into our worship.
Praise Team: vocal and instrumental.
Big IdeaFUN.Com(games and fun activities for kids)
Braille Workers at Emanuel
Lutheran Hour Parent & Kid Zone
The Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)
Meet our Pastor
Olive Davis Window
Pacific Southwest District, Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Parish Nurse Program
Portals of Prayer
Puzzle Club(a great site for kids and families)
Faceted Glass Windows: The Sanctuary
View a map of the location of Emanuel Lutheran Church