Looking for a Berkeley Podiatrist? For Feet Sake Podiatry Group in Berkeley, CA
Do you have foot or ankle pain? If so, then you have come to the right place!
With same-day appointments usually available, our primary goal is to relieve your pain as quickly and simply as possible. Our podiatrists are experts in both conservative and surgical treatments, so you can receive the full range of care that best suits your needs.
Women owned and operated, we have served Berkeley, Oakland, and the San Francisco Bay Area for over 15 years and have earned a reputation for excellent personalized care. Whether trauma from a sports accident like a twisted ankle, progressive issues like bunions, hammertoes and ingrown toenails, or long-term care like diabetic foot care, callouses, and warts, we work hard to alleviate your pain and answer your concerns.
Make an appointment today and enjoy "Healthy Feet - Healthy Living".
Updates on Laser Treatment of Toenail Fungus
We have summarized our current view on laser treatments for toenail fungus
A Guide To Podiatry Conditions & Treatments
Learn more about conditions of the feet and our advanced treatments
Videos Of Common Podiatric Surgical Procedures
Learn more about podiatry surgery from our videos
"Thank you For Feet Sake for fixing my foot!" - R.F.
"My PT says...your (bunionectomy) work far surpasses any other he's ever seen." - A.P.
If you are in pain and need to see a doctor, we will see you today. Do not wait weeks. See us now
Walk for Breast Cancer ’10
We are proud to sponsor the Avon Walk. Show your participant card for a 15 % discount. Visit us
Orthopedic and diabetic shoes by Dr Comfort Shoes and other popular products.
Check us out
Gold-standard in custom orthotics creation and fitting. Learn more
Athletic & Active Foot Care Our Podiatrists specialize in active & athletic foot care. Learn more about conditions and treatments.
Diabetic Foot Care
Diabetic foot conditions develop from a combination of causes. Learn more
Dr. Seth L. Sherman is a third-generation team physician and surgeon. He is board certified and fellowship trained in Sports Medicine. Dr. Sherman is proud to serve as Orthopedic Surgeon for Stanford.
450 Broadway Pavilion A, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA