Seeking Solutions to Your Concerns
Have you and your spouse decided to divorce? Are you concerned about how a divorce will affect your business or investments? Are you worried about whether you will be given enough visitation time with your children to maintain your relationship with them?
These sorts of concerns are very important and deeply personal. A dedicated family law attorney can provide you with the help you need. At the Law Office of Cecil & Cianci, PC, we offer aggressive representation, honest legal advice and the experience necessary to reach your family law goals.
We handle a full range of family law matters including complex high asset divorce, contested and uncontested divorce, child custody matters, support modifications and parental relocation disputes. Contact our Roseville law firm to schedule a reduced-fee consultation.
Paying Attention to Your End Goals
At our law firm we understand that your goal is to put your legal troubles behind you and move on with your life. Our goal is to enable you to do just that. Every step we take on your behalf will be oriented toward the overall goal of protecting your long-term interests.
Our law firm has been able to achieve fair settlements through diligent preparation and skilled negotiation. Where necessary, we have the experience and familiarity with the local courts to represent you effectively at trial. Family law litigation can have a significant impact on people's lives, and we take every decision in this area extremely seriously.
Aggressive Pursuit of Your Family Law Goals
Divorce or a dissolution of marriage, can be a difficult time especially when there are complex financial issues and child custody disputes. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your options with an experienced family law lawyer.
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7120 Hayvenhurst Ave., Suite 111 Van Nuys, CA 91406