Take your operation to a new level of precision and control with AFS products from Case IH. Transform the cab of your Axial Flow® combine into a command central, and optimize your Case IH planting and application equipment with our complete line of proven, integrated AFS hardware and software.
Look to Jordan / Central Implement Co. for expert advice and reliable precision farming solutions with Advanced Farming Systems from Case IH.
MEC Aerial Lift Platforms were designed from the ground up to withstand the commercial abuse day in and day out and still be as maintenance free as possible, keeping your equipment down time to a minimum. With the MEC line of Aerial Lift Platforms you can be sure to reach over the competition with standard features not found on any other ALP's in it's class, and quality engineering made right here in the United States.
We are a well-known trusted, reliable centrally based California watch organization consisting
of a classic shop front store and an online portal that furnishes clients with the buying and