Since 1978 Ramona Lumber Co. has been
fabricating quality roof and floor trusses for lumber
yards, contractors and homeowners. Our
philosophy is to utilize premium raw materials,
expert engineering services, time proven
fabrication and delivery techniques to provide top
quality products to our clients at reasonable prices.
Customer satisfaction being the best measure of
our company, we also subscribe to an independent
3rd party Quality Control Service that makes
unscheduled inspections of our facility, production
methods and finished products as a means of
measuring our Company and it's products. Ramona
Lumber Co. will accurately and promptly bid your
project from your list, plans or e-mailed DWG files.
Our prices are inclusive; trusses, blocking, delivery
and sales tax, if applicable. Delivery beyond
County of San Diego maintained roads is at the
discretion of Ramona Lumber's driver.