The Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Clinic is a private non-profit, outpatient mental health center for children and families. Since 1946, the Clinic has provided individual, family, and group counseling services for children, adolescents and families who reside in Kern County, California.
What Types of Families Does the Clinic Serve?
The Clinic serves families with a wide range of issues. Typically, children and adolescents are referred to the Clinic because of difficulties that interfere with their functioning at home, in school or in the community. Problems may be related to control, attention, mood, anger management, etc. The Clinic also serves children and adolescents who have experienced various forms of abuse, neglect or other hardships that affect their daily lives.
How Does The Clinic Help?
Several options exist for treating emotional and behavioral issues.Children and familiesseen at the Clinic receive an initial assessment at which time anindividualizedtreatment plan is developed by the parent(s) and therapist. Treatment may include parent education groups and/or individual, family or group counseling. A psychiatrist is available to provide medication support services, as needed. All of these services are provided ina bilingual, culturally appropriate environment.
The Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance Clinic provides mental health and substance abuse services and the resources necessary to promote wellness and recovery for Kern County children, adults and families.
Pacific Pain and Wellness Group is a multidisciplinary practice run by experienced physicians and specialists who have extensive education and clinical training in physical and mental health.
23150 Crenshaw Blvd. Suite 110, Torrance, CA 90505