Zoran Locki grew up racing BMX in the '70's around the time when Gary Fisher and his buddies were inventing the sport of mountain biking one scab at a time in NorCal's Marin County. Locki, who goes by Z, retained a strong connection to the biking community even as he ventured into the corporate world.. read more
» We are proud to anounce the new Woodside Bike Shop East Coast location. We are opening a new store in the Historic Downtown Apex, NC. We will feature most of our old favorite brands from our California location.. read more
» Eastern Bikes are coming on board at our Apex location. We'll offer a range of BMX products, freestyle bikes, along with Mountain Single spead urban, and dirt-jumping bikes.. read more
» Ladies and Gentelmen, please welcome Woodside Bike Shop BMX Racing Team - the fastest group of little guys in Northern California. You can meet them at our local Santa Clara Pal track.. read more
» Nor-Car: We are launching Nor-Car Clothing Co. Our first designs are available at our Apex location as well as our eBay store.
» Z has been cleaning out the corners of the shop and has a few classic rides for sell. Come in & check out our old school BMX offerings.
» Totally pimp silver Bottlerocket from Transition $3100.
» Get yourself a townie! New 2008 Haro Roscoe for $610.