Looking for spiritual growth, fellowship and community involvement?
Then First Church could be the place for you.
We are a bilingual (English and Spanish) and welcoming congregation.
Sunday services are at 11:00 a.m. Childcare Provided.
At 10:00 a.m. we host a bilingual drop-in welcome session
for visitors and members.
Social Darwinism stresses the survival of the fittest -- the individual who picks him/herself up by the bootstrap would not only survive, but thrive in society. As people of faith and goodwill, do we operate under a different set of assumptions and pay particular attention to the least, the last, and the lost in society? Come explore how we can create sustainable communities by sharing our resources with one another and making sure we all survive, not just the fittest or strongest among us.
Rev. Ricky Hoyt
First Church has a remarkable history. Some of our history we know well and celebrate: Caroline Severance and Stephen Fritchman. But some of the stories we dont know as well are also worth celebrating, and are also an important part of who we are and who we might be in the future.
Potluck Luncheon follows the Worship Service
Some of the things we have are so spectacular that there is no meaningful way to ever give sufficient thanks: gifts like the sun, the earth, life itself. Spiritually, the only gift we can give in return is our thanks. Repaying those cosmic gifts with our offerings of thanks is one of the primary tasks of worship.
Third Sunday Special Collection: The Wall: Las Memorias
The cycles of nature celebrated in Pagan spirituality remind us that Fall is the season for gathering up the harvest of all the work we did throughout the prior year. Thinking of the 133 year history of this church as a crop lets ask, what did we plant? What grew and flourished? What can we harvest now to sustain us into the future?