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Westwood United Methodist Church
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Welcome to Westwood United Methodist Church in Westwood, Californa.
Address10497 Wilshire Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90024-4606
Phone(310) 474-4511
Adult Ministries »

Follow-Up: An Adult Education
Plan Be: Study Series

Children & Youth »

Current Issue of OUTREACH

Scattered for Service
Opportunities for Service

General Information »

Parent & Toddler Program

Newsletters and Calendars
Where Are They Now?

(Click day to view main calendar)
2 Two or More...rehearsal

Pre-School Assessment Workshop
Location: Fellowship Hall
Time: 06:30PM -08:00PM

Young Adults Meeting
Location: Selby Parsonage
Time: 07:00PM -09:00PM

3 Church Council Meeting

4 Chancel Choir rehearsal
Location: Choir Room and Sanctuary
Time: 07:30PM -09:00PM

7 All Church Conference

11 Chancel Choir Rehearsal

13 Stewardship Luncheon Set-Up

16 Young Adults Meeting

18 Meleika/Keeling Wedding Rehearsal

20 PATH Breakfast Ministry
Location: PATH Regional Homeless Center
Time: 07:00AM -10:00AM

21 Youth Event - Lunch and Movie
Location: Meet in Kathy's Office
Time: 11:30AM -04:00PM

23 Young Adults Meeting

25 Thanksgiving - All Church Facilities Closed

26 Day after Thanksgiving - All Church Facilities Closed

28 No Youth Meeting Tonight

Youth Christmas Greens Sale

All Church Advent Workshop

Details will follow closer to the event date.

30 Young Adults Meeting

10497 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles CA 90024 VOICE: 310-474-4511 FAX: 310-474-5557

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Westwood United Methodist Church is a welcoming family at all stages and places of spiritual growth in response to Christ's call for tolerance and for helping others in daily life.

Sunday morning is at the heart of this faith community's life and begins with Worship at 10:00 a.m. Look below to learn more about what's happening this Sunday.

This Sunday, November 21

Christ the King/Thanksgiving Sunday
Reverend John Woodall, Senior Pastor, preaching

John 6: 25-35 and Jeremiah 23: 1-6
Music from the Chancel Choir and Children's Choirs
All Good Gifts by Jeffrey Honoré
Music from our Tintinnabulators Handbell Choir
Sing Praise to God arr. by Michael Keller

Children (Pre-school through 5th graders)

10:15am - Pre-school Room 103
Pre-K through 5th grade Room 108
11:00am - Children’s snack/play time Room 108
11:30am - Children’s Music program Room 109

Youth (6th through 12th grades)
10:00 am - Worship service in the Sanctuary
At noon the youth will be going to lunch and seeing a movie. Please meet in Kathy Cannon's office if you'd like to go. This means there will be NO evening youth program tonight.
Follow-Up: An Adult Education Adventure

11:15 am in Room 207
Presenter: Paul Freese, Director of Litigation & Advocacy for Public Counsel
Paul will address the challenges WUMC faces in serving our homeless brothers and sisters. Come engage in the discussion with our own in-house expert.
Marriage Course, 5 pm - 7 pm in the Wesley Room

Advent Workshop

Are you looking for an opportunity to get together with friends and family before the Christmas rush? Are you a person who enjoys making something new for your Christmas tree each year? Do you have artistic talent? you struggle gluing two pieces of felt together but enjoy talking to friends and having a bite to eat after church? If you said yes to any of these questions plan to come to the Fourth Annual Advent Workshop on Sunday, November 28 at Noon. All are welcome! We will have a light soup and salad lunch and spend some time in craft fellowship. The Fellowship Hall will be transformed into an ornament workshop where leaders will instruct the “craft challenged” through the “experienced crafter” of all ages and skills levels. Participants are encouraged to bring a pair of craft scissors; everything else is provided. Please RSVP to Kathy Cannon in the church office so we can be sure to have enough food. See you there!

Carols by Candlelight Christmas Concert

Saturday, December 11 at 7:00 p.m.
Free admission • voluntary offering

This ninety-minute concert will feature all of the church’s musicians and orchestra in a wide variety of music of the season. A dessert reception (see below for details) - including the Scattered for Service Craft Fair / Alternative Giving display - will follow the music. Bring your friends and introduce them to all that is happening here at Westwood UMC!

Two or More... Ensemble
Tintinnabulators Handbell Choir
Children and Youth Choirs
Westwood UMC Preschoolers
The Shaffer Memorial Organ

Handel: selections from Messiah
James Hopkins: Welcome All Wonders
Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on Christmas Carols
Carols by Willcocks, Rutter, and others
Audience carols ...and more!

Cookie and Hot Cocoa Reception (following the concert) - if you would like to participate by baking some yummy Christmas goodies to share, please email Kathy Cannon. This is a wonderful way to reach out to our friends and neighbors during this joyous time of year!


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