Message from the Manager:
We are proud to finally present our facilities and services to you through our newly renovated website, and hope to present new and updated information to you frequently as the website expands and continues to develop. We would like to thank you for visiting, as well as our clients and instructors who have been faithfulto us as we have grown and developed in these past years. As we continually build and renovate our own facilities, we hope that these improvements will make us your premiere studio.Please feel free to raise any compliments, concerns, or issues regarding your dance experience with me here at our dance studio and I will do my best to make you feel at home. - Joe
Hall Rental Information:
Thank you for finding us! We have FIVE affordable halls available for rental that are perfect for any occasion. We invite you to share the best moments of your lives with us! Please follow the links below for additional rental information. If you would like to schedule avisit or book a reservation, please contact Joe or Eva at (310) 534-2340 between the hours of 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. Thank you! - MORE
Perfecto para todos occasiones, tenemos cinco salones grandes para rentar! Si quiere rentar un salon o para mas informacion, favor de dejar su nombre, numero de telefono y al hora en que se encuentra y nosotros le hablaremos lo mas pronto possible al (310) 534-2340. O llama me de lunes a viernes de la 10:00AM - 6:00PM con Eva o Joe. Gracias! - MAS
Did you know?
We have two of the finest dance programs in the South Bay! Tom Hicks is the owner and director of the REGENCY BALLROOM, a leading adult ballroom dance program specializing in International and American Style Ballroom & Latin. We are also home to DANCE FACTORY, a fantastic youth program led by owner and director Janice Ray. Please check out their websites for additional dance class information and schedules!