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Achilles Foot Specialists
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Foot and Ankle Associates offers diabetic foot care, foot injuries, foot corns, foot heel pain, foot neuroma and foot blister care.
Address15100 Los Gatos Blvd Ste 4 Los Gatos, CA 95032-2028
Phone(408) 358-6234
Welcome to Foot and Ankle Associates
Possibly due to a more sedentary lifestyle, todays world is witnessing a higher incidence of foot, ankle and lower limb ailments. This has resulted in an increasing need for skilled specialists in this particular field of medicine.

Foot and Ankle Associates are a group of dedicated podiatrists that work out of Los Gatos, California. Podiatrists are healthcare professionals that diagnose and treat people with foot and lower limb abnormalities and injuries so as to improve their mobility and maintain a normal lifestyle. Podiatrists also provide preventive foot care.

Podiatry is a specialized branch of medicine that investigates and treats all manners of foot, ankle and lower limb disorders. A Podiatrist is a doctor of Podiatric Medicine (BPM) who studies and trains for up to 11 years. Before practicing in a particular state, a podiatrist is required to sit for a state licensing exam. Podiatrists have a thorough knowledge of sports medicine, biomechanics, dermatology, radiology and surgery relating to the feet and lower limbs.

Foot and Ankle Associates is made up of a team of three doctors: Drs. Thomas Elardo, Ami Sheth and Richard Meltzer; all well established in Los Gatos, California as podiatrists to the community. Between them they cover all issues of the foot and lower limbs ranging from general foot health to forefoot and rearfoot surgery, or podiatric surgery.

Two common issues addressed by Podiatrists are Diabetic foot care and a high incidence of Plantar Fasciitis or intense heel pain.

Diabetes could damage the nervous system so a patient may loose the sensation of feeling in the feet. Neglect of such a condition could lead to sores in the feet which in the worst case can result in gangrene and amputation. Diabetics should be conversant in how to prevent foot ailments and to recognize the symptoms early before they translate into foot problems, and to obtain the right treatment when these problems do occur. The Foot and Ankle Associates team is skilled in such counseling and identifying diabetic foot symptoms before they are allowed to become full-blown problems.

Plantar Fasciitis on the other hand is far less serious but nonetheless a painful inflammatory condition of the foot. Statistics indicate that Plantar Fasciitis afflicts two million Americans a year and about 10% of the population at some point during their lifetime. Such a condition is related to being overweight and to long periods of weight bearing, possibly work-related. Given proper medical guidance, Plantar Fasciitis generally improves within a year of commencing non-surgical treatment which includes medication combined with specialized stretching exercises.

Apart from these conditions, the Foot and Ankle Associate doctors address more common foot conditions like bunions, corns, blisters and nail problems. Much of their time is spent in preventive counseling on general foot health.

Foot and Ankle Associates based in Los Gatos, California have carved a niche in the field of podiatry equating quality of life with the importance of good foot health. They believe that a productive and active life depends on healthy happy feet. Keeping in tune with the latest in podiatric care, Drs. Meltzer, Elardo, and Sheth use strong ethics and high quality healthcare in the treatment of multi-faceted foot disorders.

Ignoring the pricking pain on the soles of your feet? Feeling unbalanced because your gait has changed? Upset that corns are marring the shape of your foot? A foot corn is an area of thickened skin that occurs in areas of pressure. In the foot, the skin will thicken up to protect itself when the areas of high pressure have not been eliminated. Eventually, you will experience a great deal of pain in the foot at the area of the corn. Foot corns appear as a thickening on the top of your toes. Hard corns are normally located on the outer surface of the little toe or can also be found on the surface of other toes. Foot corns can often appear in between the toes. Treatment of foot corns can generally be implemented with over-the-counter medications.

The Foot and Ankle Associates as professional podiatrists in Los Gatos, California, treat unsightly corns and calluses or hyperkeratosis, clavus, heloma and tyloma to prevent discomfort and pain so that their patients can lead normal lives.

The first step in foot corn treatment is to eliminate the source of pressure. Avoid wearing tight fitting shoes, as this will allow your feet to breathe as well as reducing the pressure on your foot. At Foot and Ankle Associates, you will get valuable and educative diagnosis and advice about how to prevent and treat foot disorders.

Embarrassed by sweaty hands and feet? Has this condition disturbed your everyday life? Have you seen a doctor to prevent any hazards that could potentially harm your lifestyle? Known medically as Plantar Hyperhydrosis, excessive foot sweating can affect you functionally and socially. In some cases, this condition has disrupted marital life and caused problems at the work place. Excessive feet sweating not only causes odor and discomfort, but also fungal infections. It can lead to uncomfortable situations and even dangers in driving thereby causing accidents. The Foot and Ankle Associates are professional podiatrists in Los Gatos, California, where Dr. Elardo, Dr. Sheth and Dr. Meltzer specialize in podiatric medicine and surgery. They are experts at foot and ankle pain treatment. They treat various kinds of foot problems such as foot neuroma, ganglions, bunions, peripheral arterial disease, warts, foot corns, etc., and also provide advice on foot care products.

When the human body perspires, it maintains constant internal body temperature. The Sympathetic Nervous System that regulates perspiration controls over five million sweat glands in the body. The sympathetic chain that controls sweating is located in the chest. When the body sweats more than it needs to, especially in hands and feet, Plantar Hyperhydrosis occurs as a medical condition, which may be continuous or episodic. This happens when the Sympathetic Nervous System overworks to cool down the internal body temperature.

Foot sweating is characterized by excessive sweating of the soles of the feet. There can be many causes of excessive foot sweating, and it is hard to pinpoint the exact cause for each person. It can be caused by an overactive nervous system, such as stress and anxiety, due to the over-activity of the sweat glands themselves. It can also be hereditary since it is very common to see family members with similar severity of the foot sweating condition. Take the timely help of the podiatrists at The Foot and Ankle Associates so that you can be free from a painful and embarrassing situation.

diseases, such as athletes foot, bacterial infections, fungal toenails or other skin problems. You can treat this condition by using absorbent foot powders, and changing shoes and socks frequently. More severe types of foot sweating may need to be treated with medications like Drysol. The Foot and Ankle Associates take great care with an in-depth analysis and diagnosis when treating their patients.

If you have any disorders of the foot, you should approach the podiatrists at Foot and Ankle Associates Los Gatos for foot treatment and relief from foot pain. They are experts in their field and can diagnose and treat both common and rare foot problems.

With the foot as one of the intricate structures in the human body, Foot and Ankle Associates and its fraternity are well-equipped with the education of a spectrum of complex study in orthopedics, sports medicine, biomechanics, radiography, surgery and dermatology.

Offering the craft of an independent and active life, Foot and Ankle Associates renders a range of services to enhance the quality of a lifestyle while treating various disorders:

Degenerative arthritis is a condition that slowly wears away joints (the link where bones meet and move). In the beginning, you may notice that the affected joint seems stiff. It may even ache. As the joint lining (cartilage) breaks down, the bones rub against each other, causing pain and swelling. Over time, bone spurs (small pieces of rough or splintered bone) develop, and the joints range of motion becomes limited. But movement doesnt have to cause pain. The effects of arthritis can be reduced. Talk with your doctor about developing a treatment plan to meet your needs.

If your symptoms are mild, medications may be enough to reduce pain and swelling. For more severe arthritis, surgery may be needed to improve the condition of the join

Although they may develop on the fifth (little) toe, bunions usually occur at the base of the big toe. Bunions are often caused by incorrect foot mechanics. The foot may flatten too much, forcing the toe joint to move beyond normal range. In some cases, joint damage caused by arthritis or an injury produces a bunion. And some people are born with the tendency to develop bunions. If youre at risk for developing a bunion, wearing high-heeled or poorly fitting shoes makes the problem worse.
If a bunion is not painful or severe, your doctor may recommend that you wear a different style of shoes. Or you may be prescribed custom-made shoe inserts (orthoses) to control incorrect foot mechanics. For painful or severe bunions, outpatient surgery may be recommended. After surgery, youll soon be on your way home and ready for recovery.

A ganglion is a fluid-filled swelling of the lining of a joint or tendon. Although ganglions can form on any part of the foot, they most often appear on the ankle or top of the foot. Ganglions tend to change in size and usually grow slowly.
Ganglions are often difficult to treat without surgery - but nonsurgical methods may be helpful in relieving some of your symptoms. Nonsurgical Care Pads placed around the ganglion can ease pressure and friction. Fluid removal may also relieve symptoms, though ganglions may recur. Limiting movements or activities that increase pain may bring relief. Icing the ganglion for 15 - 20 minutes may temporarily relieve inflammation and pain. If your inflammation is severe your podiatrist may treat your symptoms with medication.

Peripheral neuropathy is a disease that can damage nerves in the feet and prevent them from working properly. Its most common in people with diabetes. Neuropathy can also be caused by poor nutrition, injury, and other diseases. When nerves are damaged, you may have changes in sensation, including numbness. Not being able to sense pain makes you more likely to injure your feet without knowing it. Over time, neuropathy can lead to permanent loss of nerve function, as well as bone and joint damage.
After the evaluation, your doctor will talk with you about treatment options. These may include making changes in your diet and exercise habits. Doctors may recommend other treatments for your neuropathy. These can include ointments and medications to help reduce pain and inflammation. Physical therapy, massage, and electrical nerve stimulation may also help manage pain and improve nerve function.

When you use a set of muscles too much, youre likely to strain the tendons (soft tissues) that connect those muscles to your bones. At first, pain or swelling may come and go quickly. But if you do too much too soon, your muscles may overtire again. The strain may cause a tendons outer covering to swell or small fibers in a tendon to pull apart. If you keep pushing your muscles, damage to the tendons adds up and tendonitis develops. Over time, pain and swelling may limit your activities. But with your doctors help, tendonitis can be controlled. Both your symptoms and your risk of future problems can be reduced.

Your doctors first concern is to reduce your symptoms. Using ice and heat, taking medications, and limiting activity help control pain and swelling. Follow all of your doctors instructions. Returning to activity too soon may cause your symptoms to come back.

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