Traditional Thai Massage
Thai yoga massage take the joints through a full range of motion resulting in a wonderful sense of well being and stress relief, while stimulating the detoxification process by balancing meridians in the body. Thai yoga massage alleviates common conditions such as back pain, relieves muscular ,and increases range of motion and flexibility.
Deep Tissue Massage
It's a massage that focuses on the deep layer of muscle tissue in the body. This can be tissue that is scarred or injured somehow, causing pain or it can be used as a preventative measure. There are many benefits to recieve from this massage include relaxation, pain relief, and get blood circulating properly.
Reflexology is the application of pressure, stretch and movement to feet and hands to effect corresponding parts of the body. By applying pressure to the reflex points on hands and/or feet, the blood circulation is improved, the body relaxes and organs become balanced, promote relaxation and improve your sleep.
We offer the combination massage by combining several styles of massage. A wonderful style when you just don't have time for more. It helps retreat relax and restore a sense of serenity to your day.
Location : 23120 Lyons Ave., #11, Newhall, CA. 91331 Phone : 661-799-9959
(Open 7 days 10:00 am.- 8:00 pm.)