Chiro-Medical Group is an innovative collaboration of health care professionals who work together as a team to promote optimal health. Our group includes experts in the fields of medicine, chiropractic, physical therapy, massage, nutrition, and personal athletic training.
Our goal is to get our patients out of pain and back to an active, healthy lifestyle as quickly as possible. Additionally, we educate our patients on how to stay healthy and active and avoid injuries.
If you are in pain, we want to help you find the road to recovery. We strive to deliver immediate and lasting relief from pain and enhance your daily performance.
We believe that this is best achieved by our highly qualified professionals working in conjunction with one another to provide you with the most comprehensive health care available.
We place a special emphasis on quality health care and can help you find relief and healing from sports injuries, headaches, back pain, work related injuries, computer fatigue, and more.
Call today to see what Chiro-Medical Group can do for you! (415) 495-2225
Retired General Touts Benefits of Chiropractic in the Military
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