5 Bon Air Road, Suite A-105, Larkspur, CA. 94939
Tel 415-927-2007 | Fax 415-927-7272
The purpose of The Hand & Physical Center of Marin is to promote health, healing and well being.
The Hand & Physical Therapy Center of Marin provides personalized and individualized hands on treatment of all injuries, acute, chronic and degenerative illnesses and neurological disorders for all of Marin County and the Bay Area.
We evaluate and assess our patients and their presenting conditions, develop treatment programs and deliver comprehensive care so they can lead fully functioning, healthy lives.
“I suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger thumbs
for years. My first session at the center was a thrill, in that I
was talking to a professional who treated my hand like an entire
separate body. Since that time, there is no doubt that my hands
have been given a second lifetime of much needed service.” Lisa G.
“The Hand and Physcial TherapyCenter garners a five star rating.
Adjectives such as superlative, stupendous, supportive and
sensitive apply to this practice. They offer cutting-edge care
and helped to bring about long-term positive changes in
my health.” Anne U.
Dr Vinick Specializes in chronic, difficult to treat conditions: Chronic pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, auto-immune conditions, chronic health problems.
1860 S. Elena Ave, Suite A, Redondo Beach, CA 90277