Welcome to the Just Christians.Org website. This site is sponsored by the Studebaker Road Church of Christ in Long Beach, California. Sometimes people ask us why we called our website, "Just Christians." The answer is simple, it is what we strive to be, just Christians, nothing more, and nothing less than what you find written in the New Testament about what defines a Christian. Our congregation is made up of Christians that are striving to follow the New Testament pattern for its work and worship.
If you live in the Southern California area, we invite you to come and visit with us as we worship and give praise to our Lord. If you are interested in learning more about Christianity without denominationalism, please take the Bible Correspondence Course on the website. Or, if you are in our area, we would be happy to take time to personally study the Bible with you.
"So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified." (Acts 20:32)
3433 Studebaker Road Phone: (562) 420-2363
Long Beach, California 90808 espaol: (562) 377-1674
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