Founded in 1985, the Infectious Disease Association of California (IDAC) is a non-profit corporation providing continuing medical education to medical doctors in California with an interest in clinical infectious diseases. IDAC is affiliated with the Infectious Diseases Society of America and the HIV Medicine Association and is a recognized specialty organization by the California Medical Association. IDAC is also an accredited CME provider.
IDAC sponsors two symposia each year, provides a CME Speakers' Bureau, distributes a quarterly newsletter, publishes a membership directory, conducts a Fellows-in-Training mentoring program, and operates a surveillance e-mail network for sharing information on emerging infectious diseases.
Full Membership is open to any Medical Doctor practicing in California. Associate Membership is available to any Physician outside of California, Pharmacists, Ph.D.s, Infection Control Practitioners/Nurses, and Microbiologists. Membership dues are $125 per year. Associate Membership is also available to Fellows in Infectious Disease training programs, at no charge.