4 out of 5 Stars. This facility is reviewed annually and has been licensed by the State of California and certified by the federal Centers for Medicare and Medical Services (CMS). CMS rates facilities that are certified to accept Medicare or Medical. CMS gave the above rating to this facility.
"The relationship between our staff and residents is at the core of our success."
Privately owned since 1973, your personal comfort and care is always our priority! We regard every patient as a unique individual and strive to meet your specific needs. At Parkview Julian our pride in ownership delivers on a simple promise: we will always care for your family, our family, with a deeply personal touch. Parkview Julian has a long-standing reputation for providing the highest quality skilled care.
The expertise and professional skills of our staff ensures that our patients receive quality, comprehensive and personalized care. As you would expect, we are represented by a large and dedicated support staff.