Many special considerations must be taken into account in the design and planning of new facilities. Organizations require assistance to overcome the common pitfalls and shortcomings of traditional approaches. JHA has developed a unique approach which can bring special advantages to organizations facing these needs. Our TEAM approach eliminates many of the problems typically experienced in construction projects. This, in turn, leads to significant cost savings. Let us tell you about it.
JHA is comprised of individuals with experience in Planning, Design, Construction, and Project Management. In addition to the principals and associates of JHA, our Affiliates are recognized for their abilities in Finance, Real Estate, Administration, Engineering, and a host of other interrelated disciplines. Combining the Services of JHA and its affiliates into a single Team provides the owner with a complete package of professional services and a single source of responsibility. This benefits our clients by eliminating costly coordination and mediation responsibilities, which the owner is sometimes unequipped to perform.