Welcome to the world of Marymount of Santa Barbara! We are so happy that youre visiting our website so we can share this special place with you. Nestled on a lush mountainside in an area aptly referred to as the American Riviera, Marymount welcomes students from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8. Its extensive campus overlooks red-tiled roofs in the valley below and the sapphire waters of the Pacific to the west. Marymount of Santa Barbara prides itself on maintaining a close-knit family atmosphere, embracing... [Read more...]
Just above the Santa Barbara Mission, in a beautiful park-like setting, is a very special place of learning and discovery. It is here that Marymount of Santa Barbara has been fostering a love of knowledge, values and community in young minds for almost 70 years. Our philosophy is simple: nurture in children the love of knowledge needed to define the world around them, help them to understand the values that will allow them to use their knowledge wisely, and encourage a sense of responsibility to the community in which they live. We do this in a secure and caring environment that not only is a place of learning, but also serves as an example of the how these principles work in practice.
We Build the Future
A Positive Educational Experience
Wilder's Preparatory Academy Charter School provides children and their parents with a positive educational experience.