Discover the luxury of drycleaning pick-up and delivery!
At Ablitt's, we are dedicated to customer service in the finest Santa Barbara tradition. We understand that your appearance --your fine clothing, footwear, bedding, household linens, and draperies-- are important to you, and we offer the best, most comprehensive care for these items. For free information on caring for your textiles, checkout Sasha's blog!
(Regular) Ablitt's Hours: Open Monday through Friday 7am-7pm and Saturday 8am-5pm
Magic Touch Cleaners are able to provide a Dry Cleaning service for virtually all items of clothing, whether everyday wear or special garments such as wedding dresses or formal wear.
Fashion Cleaners & Laundry is a professional full-service shirt laundry and dry cleaner in King City, Ca. We specialize in cleaning: laundry, laundry, draperies, cleaners, wedding gowns, bedspreads,