MCFCCA. (Monterey County Family Child Care Association) is a growing group of licensed family child care providers who have joined together to promote and support quality child care.
Monthly workshops are held to make available information and resource materials about all areas of the family child care business. In addition, the workshops provide the opportunity for providers to meet one another, exchange ideas and to discuss current events that relate to family child care.
Our newsletter provides up-to-date information on classes, educational opportunities, workshops, conferences, legislation, and articles of interest to the family child care provider.
Our association hosts various children's activities throughout the year and participates in several community events.
We also network with other organizations committed to the welfare of children and work with the Dept. of Social Services to promote licensing and quality child care.
MCFCCA puts family child care providers in touch with one another to form a support network. This networking serves as a means for increasing the quality of child care.
Monterey County Family Child Care Association es un creciente grupo de proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar que se han unido para promover y apoyar un cuidado infantil de calidad.
Se hacen talleres mensuales en las que se da informacion y materiales de gran interes para todas las areas del cuidado infantil familiar, ademas se tiene la oportunidades de conocer a otras proveedoras para compartir ideas y experiencias que afectan el CIF. Tenemos un boletin mensual que nos actualiza en nuevas leyes, clases, oportunidades de educacion como son talleres y conferencias asi como articulos de interes para el proveedor de CIF.Nuestra asociacion participa en diferentes eventos infantiles de la comunidad. Tambien nos comunicamos con otras organizaciones que velan por el bienestar de los nios y trabajan con el Departamento de Servicios Sociales para promover la licencia y el cuidado infantil de calidad.
A travez del Condado de Monterey proveemos un servicio de referencias gratuito para los padres. Para mayores informes usted puede llamar al.
Monterey County Family Child Care Association, PO Box 4122 Salinas, CA 93912
Last Revised: May 25th 2010
Montessori child care, preschool/ Kindergarten and Mommy & Me program in a beautiful, nurturing environment. Life skills, social development, and reading, writing and arithmetic starting in preschool.