Economic Benefits Analysis was prepared for the EIR by Brion & Associates estimates annual Monterey County General Fundsgenerated of approximately $671,000, annually, 975 FTE jobs created and over $35 million dollars of public improvements constructed.
Seller shall deliver all necessary reports, studies, entitlements to the Buyer for the proposed Project.
Buyer shall be responsible for all working drawings for proposed commercial and residential units and any costs associated with their design.
It takes vision and experience to succeed in the commercial real estate world. Marketing your property, finding the best location for your business or evaluating your investment needs. Work with the broker that priortizes your needs first. In a world of mass-marketing and me-too thinking, separate yourself from the crowd by working with John McCormack of the JNM Company.
The JNM Company is a full-service commercial real estate company for the Central Coast of California. Offerings include: sales, tenants-in-common (TIC) investment offerings, leasing and buyer-broker representation. Commercial properties include retail, office, industrial, apartment complexes, shopping centers, wineries, owner/user and land for commercial or residential development.
"Enhancing and preserving value based on 20+ years of commercial real estate as a principal and broker provides the edge," states John McCormack, owner and sole operator of the JNM Company. Background as a thirty year resident of Monterey County, education as an engineer and MBA graduate and track record as a successful entrepreneur can assist his clients in the maximization of value from pre through post marketing.