What is Endocrinology?
Endocrinology is a sub-specialty of Internal Medicine that addresses glands of internal secretion (hormone producing glands). Glands such as sweat glands, lymph nodes, digestive organs are not part of this specialty. Board certified Endocrinologists are certified in Internal Medicine and then go on to further study and then Board Certification in this sub-specialty. We deal mainly with diabetes, thyroid and lipid disorders, but also see problems relating to pituitary, adrenal, ovarian, testicular, bone, calcium and orther disorders.
This coming flu season's flu shots (2010-2011) are now available.
They include 3 different flu virus strains: H1N1, H3N2 and an Influenza B virus. It is likely we will see more flu than normal this season given the pandemic potential for the H1N1 flu virus and the number of flu cases in the country last year. Although for most people the H1N1 flu is just another bad, prolonged viral illness, it did result in greater than usual numbers of serious illnesses, prolonged hospitalizations and even deaths than seen in "normal" flu seasons. My recommendation is that most people should be vaccinated this year given the high likelihood of another worse than usual flu season.