Creative Criminal Defense Solutions in Southern California
Any good criminal defense attorney will tell you about the strengths and weaknesses of your case and your specific risks of conviction and punishment. Then it's up to you to decide whether to accept a guilty plea or take your case to trial.
At the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman, we don't think it's enough to give you the choice between trial and a negotiated plea. We go the extra mile to give you a wider range of options for resolving a serious criminal charge.
Whether your case involves domestic violence, theft, illegal drugs or a DUI arrest, we'll look for ways to protect your interests through treatment options, community service alternatives or deferred entry of judgment. Any of these can effectively sidestep the criminal justice system and protect your record as well as your freedom.
Call 877-814-7586 for a free consultation with a criminal defense lawyer
Former prosecutor Daniel Perlman works directly with each client through every stage of every case. He combines trial skills, negotiation skills and a detailed familiarity with the community treatment and counseling programs that might stand between you and a criminal conviction.
Our law firm's clients include college students, parents, juveniles, military personnel, immigrants, licensed professionals and anyone who needs to think twice about accepting what looks like a generous plea offer on a first offense. We protect your long-range interests while concentrating on your immediate criminal defense problem.
To learn how our personalized approach to client service can expand your options toward a creative and effective solution in your case, contact the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman in Los Angeles.
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Law Office of Hieu Vu is located in the Heart of Orange County. Mr. Vu has successfully handled over hundreds of Criminal/DUI cases of all types ranging from hit and run, evading police.