Since 1996 Macintosh Guru has provided answers for Southern California residents and businesses*. We guarantee all our work. That basically means that, if we don't solve your problem you pay nothing. Why do we offer this guarantee when no one else does? Simple. Because we WILL provide you with a solution. After all, isn't that what a consultant is supposed to do?
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*Now serving New York City!
Macintosh Guru. "...yeah, we can do that."
info (at) • (858) 576-0980 • (212) 203-0296
4740 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite 222, San Diego , CA 92123
For 18 years (since 1999) RFID4U has provided myriad of RFID, NFC and Mobility solutions including services, hardware, software and training to customers in various verticals.
Since 1985, Melissa has provided best-of-breed global address verification, identity authentication and contact data quality tools (name, email, phone) to improve user experience and KYC.
22382 Avenida Empresa Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688