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A Community of Grace
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One of the other pastors of Christ’s church here in the valley recently expressed a ‘theme’
Address988 Oak Grove RD Concord, CA 94518-3032
Phone(925) 932-9066
Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people.(NASB Acts 2:46-47a) Come and join us in praise and worship of the Lord Jesus this Sunday, July 26th at 5 pm.

Whether sharing a song, your passion, a verse’s impact on your life, or where you have witnessed God’s work in you or is all used by God to encourage and lift members of the body closer to Him…

Brothers and Sisters, join us in our Sunday evening worship through music, song, food, fellowship, and sharing. We will be meeting at the WhereHouse, 3380 Vincent Road, Pleasant Hill at 5pm, March 15, 2009 to praise Jesus and encourage one another.
CIAO (Christ In And Out!)

The teaching this week is the last in the series “Hearing God” as taught by the Holy Spirit through Pastor John Michael Milgate. It is also Pastor John Michael’s final message to A Community of Grace…

Albert Einstein is credited with the quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” That might mean, to continue to try to live life “in your own strength” and failing every time is not the way of life God intends!

Some tasks are best handled by a team. When lives are at risk, a coordinated response is often critical.

I have a hard time with ‘talk radio’ because it’s just talk! It’s not that people shouldn’t share their opinions, but I want hear what they’re doing about it!

You may remember the old elementary school sing-song, ‘sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me.” What a lie!

If you have a cell phone it is most likely that you have used ‘caller ID’ to ‘screen’ your calls. It’s not that you’ll never talk to that caller, but now is not a good time to talk!

Paula (my bride of 38 years on the 19th) sometimes shares about her childhood and her (now engineer) brother’s explanation of special effects ‘ruining’ a movie. In an increasingly technological culture, we learn ‘how’ something ‘works’ and think we understand. We are no longer amazed at the ingenuity, creativity, or perseverance involved, we are satiated by a simple explanation of the mechanics.

One of the joys of parenthood is the naming of a new child. Even in America, where the meaning of names is not a prominent thought, countless hours are spent joyfully anticipating what to name our new baby.

For many “expectancy” is all about awaiting the birth of a child. But in reality “expectancy” is about much more than the child, it includes an array of ideas, hopes, and dreams about life itself and how it will change when . . .

One of the other pastors of Christ’s church here in the valley recently expressed a ‘theme’ from the book of acts in the form of a question: “What are you willing to leave behind in order to move forward?” Consider the huge changes in thinking and lifestyle brought about by the resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Spirit; Philip left an effective ministry in Samaria to travel to a deserted place; Peter leaves Joppa to travel to Caesarea in the stunning realization that all people can now come to God through Jesus by faith alone—they don’t need to first come under the Law of Moses; Paul and Barnabas set out from Antioch to lands unknown; and the Acts of Jesus by His Spirit and through His followers continue.

To be a ‘witness’ you simply must truthfully tell what you have seen and heard. However, sometimes to be a ‘witness’ can cost you your life!

It has been nearly a year since I saw that man in San Francisco who just stared dejectedly at the ground as his sign asked for money. When you want to help somebody with more than a little coin, you need to connect in some personal way.

We contain some rivers with dams and convert some of the water’s inherant power into electricity as it is released. Grand Coulee Dam on the Columbia river in Central Washington is the largest concrete structure in the United States and the our largest hydroelectric facility!

There’s a new poster on the wall at the gym. It claims that the “average American” will gain 8 to 10 pounds in the next 12 weeks. Little wonder! With the bounty of food available, many of us eat more than we should!

Have you ever tried to assemble a ‘jigsaw puzzle’ without knowing what the picture was supposed to look like? Maybe someone switched the lids on you!

Paper money is just that—paper! Maybe you saw the recent ‘Frontline: World’ segment on Zimbabwe, where they have 1,000% inflation! Think about it: What cost $1 last year is now $1,000! It takes literally stacks of currency just to buy the basic necessities.

Have you ever been on a small ‘suspension’ bridge when some ‘prankster’ tries to make it into a swing? You know you need to keep moving, but fear freezes you!

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