Alicia's Flowers & Gifts, Inc., your local Newport Beach florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Newport Beach, CA area.
Alicia's Flowers & Gifts, Inc.
FALL FLOWERSBIRTHDAYOCCASIONSThanksgivingJust BecauseLove & RomanceMake Someone SmileSympathyWeddingPRICE$45 - $55$55 - $75$75 - $100$100 - $150FLOWERSFall FlowersFlowers in a GiftRoses
Minimum order price for delivery is $55.00
1701 Corinthian Way Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949)833-1883 (800)201-7673
Sherwood Florist & Gift Shoppe, your local Fair Oaks florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Fair Oaks, CA area.
- 6716 Madison Ave Ste 11 Fair Oaks, CA 95628-3152
- (916) 962-0787
The Flower Company, your local Palm Desert florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Palm Desert, CA area.
- Palm Desert, CA 92260
- (760) 568-2427
The Flower Lady, your local Paso Robles florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Paso Robles, CA area.
- 2240 Spring St Paso Robles, CA 93446
- (805) 238-2848
Aloha Flowers & Gifts, your local Santa Clarita florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Santa Clarita, CA area.
- 24456 Lyons Ave Santa Clarita, CA 91321-2347
- (661) 254-2333
Flower Carriage & Gifts, your local Santa Maria florist, sends fresh flowers throughout the Santa Maria, CA area.
- 2255 S. Broadway Santa Maria, CA 93454
- (805) 922-0578