Thank you for choosing Dental Faculty Associates, a premier dental practice located in Loma Linda, California. Our experienced team is committed to offering the best dental care possible, in a compassionate, relaxed atmosphere, utilizing the most advanced technology.
We know one of the first things people notice is your smile! We are pleased to provide several treatment options for enhancing your smile, such as:
From chipped or missing teeth to discoloration, we offer the latest techniques to correct all your cosmetic problems. Our experienced team works together as a team to provide you with veneers, teeth whitening, crowns, bridges, bonding and implants in order for you have a great smile.
Our doctors do provide endodontics care, so they can treat problems with the soft tissue inside your teeth, including performing a root canal.
Working together, we can assist you in maintaining a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come. At Loma Linda University Dental Faculty Associates, we appreciate your interest in our practice.
Your smile and health are our top priority. Dr. Toubia and his entire dental team are dedicated to providing you with the most personalized, compassionate, and pleasant experience you deserve.