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The 2010 California Title 24 Codes (Parts 1 - 12) Are now being shipped. The International Code Council, publisher of the majority of the new codes, has not yet released the new codes on Cd-Rom. We expect them some time later this month.
Although not as huge a transition as we had between the 2001 and 2007 Codes, this triennial edition has a couple of major changes:
NEW Title 24, Part 2.5, The Residential Building Code (for one and two-family dwellings and town homes of not more than 3 stories) Adopts, amends, and supplements the 2009 International Residential Code (IRC) Chapters 2-10 only. (The code does NOT adopt the Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, or Electrical Standards from the IRC.)
California has Adopted a Residential Fire Sprinkler Requirement for the 2010 California Title 24. More info HERE.
NEW Title 24, Part 11, California Green Buildings Standards Code (CALGreen), the nations first mandatory green building code.
Effective date for all Parts of the 2010 Title 24 Codes is JANUARY 1, 2011
THE 2007 CALIFORNIA TITLE 24 CODES , here's a list with support titles as well, all 10% OFF All Codes Shipping Now!
Californians can now legally install simple laundry and single fixture GREYWATER systems without a permit! Greywater isn't a dirty word anymore...
Type in Greywater in the search box on the left to see all our titles including a new video!
2008 California Energy Code (Title 24 Part 6) and Compliance Manuals, effective Jan 1, 2010 available NOW, see below.
CalDAG 2009 & CARM 2009 Shipping NOW! California Disabled Access Guidelines by Michael Gibbons is the most respected and quoted guide to the California Accessibility codes and the ADA
2008 California Green Building Standards available now!
We've got the new Oregon State Codes...
So many new books! Check out our "What's New" page!
California Title 24 Part 6 2008 Building Energy Efficiency Stds.
These new Standards became effective January 1, 2010.
2008 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings printed with the Reference Appendices which are not provided with the ICC version.
2008 Building Energy Efficiency Stds Residential Compliance Manual
2008 Bldg Energy Efficiency Stds Non-Residential Compliance Manual
See our OUTLINE of Title 24 for more information.