Experience in Estate Planning and Debt Relief
You need a professional with experience. Whether you need to find relief from the serious debt you are facing or you are looking for the most secure and accurate means of passing your wealth to your loved ones, I can help.
As a San Mateo County bankruptcy attorney, I have been representing my California clients in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy and estate planning for more than 20 years. When you need debt relief or estate planning representation, you can trust that I will handle your legal matter with skill and professionalism.
A Calming Effect
In many cases, there is a significant amount of anxiety involved in the bankruptcy and estate planning matters that I handle. People are understandably nervous about money. My clients often tell me that my approach to their cases has a calming effect. They see my experience and professionalism and they know that their financial future is in capable hands.
If you are in serious debt, I can help ease your anxieties:
Bankruptcy: I can help with a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy proceeding to get you a new financial start.
Stop creditor harassment: I can help you put a stop to wage garnishments and creditor harassment. They have to stop all collections actions when you file for bankruptcy, and you can tell them to call your lawyer.
Save your home: I can provide foreclosure defense to help you keep your home.
If you are looking for the most secure way to pass on your wealth, I provide professional estate planning services, backed with experience:
Wills and trusts: I can help you draft the primary documents for passing your wealth to your loved ones.
Probate law and litigation: If an estate goes into probate or needs to be litigated, I have more than 20 years of experience to make sure your interests are represented.
Power of attorney: I can help you name an agent to handle your financial matters in the event that you are no longer able to do so yourself.
Contact a Burlingame Foreclosure Defense Lawyer
I offer free initial consultations, so you can have a chance to learn about your estate planning or debt relief options. Either call my office or contact me online.
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Cunningham Law Group, A. P. C. is a California personal injury law firm dedicated to helping injured people for more than 42 years and have successfully represented over 5,000 victims.
3108 Ponte Morino Dr Suite 210 Cameron Park, CA 95682 United States