ToasterAn assortment of chrome toasters dating from the turn of the century to the 1950s. Chrome bodies with etching, cutout work and ribbed designs, bakelite handles and buttons to flip the toast.
Cranberry GlassCranberry glass vases with gold overlay. Cranberry goblet with gold overlay and etched leaves.
Painted plates with scalloped edges in gilt and dented square corners. The flowers are hand painted or with wonderfully detailed decals on the front of the plates in a floral scene.
Scottish Runes oil painting by Alex Fournier a Roycroft Court Artist.
Whatever you need we probably have right here. With over 25,000 sq. ft of merchandise and over 54 years in business we're sure to have everything you're looking for. And if by chance we do not, we probably can tell you where to find it!
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