Looking for your former Hatcher contact?
Steve Sprinkel- steve@sprinkelmedia.com
Chuck Stancil - chuck@moquinpress.com
Steve Kramer - stevek@patsons.com - 408-732-0911 x243
Richard Wimbury - rwimbury@moquinpress.com
Ron Lazzarotti - ronmail@suburbanpress.com
Sonia Rodriguez - sonia@moquindigital.com
Marcie Walter - marcie@bobkatinc.com
Questions on Invoices?
Please contact Chris West at chrisw@hatcher.com.
Looking for downloads of your previous Hatcher jobs?
If you are looking for downloads of a previously run Hatcher job please contact Eric Westlund at hatcherdownloads@corbomite.com.
Pricing for downloads:
$100 which includes the first 5 jobs per request
Additional jobs in the same request are $15 each.
Shipping costs will be added to the total unless you supply your UPS or FedEx account number.
If jobs span multiple DVDs in the archive they will be treated as multiple jobs.
Depending on the final size of the jobs they will be sent via a file transfer service. If the files are too large and can't be easily split and sent electronically the files will be burned to DVDs or copied to your supplied USB or Firewire hard drive and mailed or shipped to you.
Average turnaround is 2-3 business days, depending on the number and size of the jobs requested.
Please provide the following information: Original Hatcher job/invoice numbers (If a job was re-run multiple times please supply the job number for the first run of the job.)