Call Now for a FREE Consultation (510) 523-4797
Why choose Starland?
Experienced and qualified teachers will get you playing sooner.
Alameda’s #1 Choice for music lessons since 1979
Specially designed studios enhance learning.
Our efficient proven techniques maximize educational results.
Lessons for Adults and Children
Offering the world renown YAMAHA Educational System for ages 4 to 6 (Watch Video)
Large selection of books, CDs, videos and rental instruments.
Friendly, helpful staff—you’ll look forward to every visit.
Learning and playing music can be fun and enjoyable for the whole family! We provide the tools and guidance you need to bring music into your life with a large selection of instruments for sale or rent with our "try before you buy" plan. Our helpful staff consists of knowledgeable, trained professionals that take the time to help you find what you need, or make suggestions if you'd like. You can always stop by and check out our selection of sheet music, educational materials for students, and instructional videos and CDs for self-learners.
If you'd like a little more guidance join in the fun with lessons for Adults & Children (4 and up) by experienced and carefully qualified instructors in one of he most modern and well-established schools in Northern California. Our current enrollment consists of over 500 motivated students and parents that, through learning and practicing, are creating beautiful music and improving their lives in the process. Call now for a free initial consultation at (510) 523-4797.
Check out our Online Gift Store
for ages 4 to 6
This is a great video that shows the activities that are involved in the Yamaha Educational System along with someone explaining why they do them and how they fit into the whole program. You can also read more information on the program as well .